Wild Rift patch Notes 5.2c
Big day for assassin Junglers because the Rengar rework is here! Yes, we’re really excited about it. No, there are other things in the patch. Like your regularly scheduled balance updates. Welcome to patch 5.2c
Reminder: content will be released throughout the patch.
Milio is a warmhearted boy from Ixtal who has, despite his young age, mastered the fire axiom and discovered something new: soothing fire. With this newfound power, Milio plans to help his family escape their exile by joining the Yun Tal—just like his grandmother once did. Having traveled through the Ixtal jungles to the capital of Ixaocan, Milio now prepares to face the Vidalion and join the Yun Tal, unaware of the trials—and dangers—that await him.

Try out the newly reworked Rengar to earn goodies! We’re handing out a 3-day trial card of Rengar so everyone can be a part of it!
Journey to Mastery begins September 5 at 00:01 UTC

Rengar is receiving his rework this patch! We are reworking his abilities to allow for a variety of combos. His skills should also feel smoother as you pounce in and out of bushes. His damage output will also be much more stable, allowing his opponents to understand exactly how much health they need to avoid getting bursted.
Base Stats
Basic Attack Damage: 58 → 62
Attack Damage per Level: 3.6 → 4
Health per Level: 105 → 112
Armor per Level: 3.9 → 4.3

Unseen Predator
[New] If Rengar does not gain Ferocity from his basic attacks, and at less than 4 Ferocity, he will be granted 1 Ferocity instantly.
[New] Rengar gains 30% to 50% bonus movement speed based on champion level for 1.5s by casting empowered abilities.
All Ferocity will be reset 8s after staying out of combat
Bonus Attack Damage gained from taking down champions: 1/4/9/16/25% → 4/8/12/16/20%

[New] The first basic attack after casting an ability will always Crit, with it's damage boosted by the Crit Rate, up to a maximum of 100% Critical Rate.
[New] Deals 60% damage to turrets
Damage of empowered basic attack: 40/80/120/160 + 5%/10%/15%/20% Attack Damage → 50/90/130/170 + 5%/10%/15%/20% Attack Damage
Damage of empowered basic attack with Ferocity: 25 + 15 per level + 140% Attack Damage→ 35 + 15 per level + 140% Attack Damage

Battle Roar
If the target dealing damage to Rengar is a monster, then Rengar restores 100% Health equal to the damage he received in the first 2 seconds
[Removed] Gains bonus movement speed effect with casting empowered abilities

Bola Strike
[New] Casting Bola Strike reveals the vision around the target for 2s
Bola Strike can now be cast during the leap.
Damage: 60/120/180/240 + 80% bonus Attack Damage → 70/130/190/250 + 80% bonus Attack Damage
Damage with Ferocity: 47.5 + 17.5 per level + 80% bonus Attack Damage→ 57.5 + 17.5 per level + 80% bonus Attack Damage

Thrill of the Hunt
Cooldown: 90/75/60s → 75/65/55s
Movement Speed increase: 30/40/50% → 40/50/60%

We’re improving Wukong’s survivability so he can last till the end of his journey!
Base Stats
Health per Level: 105 → 112

Golden Staff
Damage: 60/80/100/120 + 35/40/45/50% Attack Damage → 60/90/120/150 + 35/40/45/50% Attack Damage

Zyra’s lack of damage has made her an unpopular pick as a solo laner and support. We’re boosting her damage because it’s never too late for a flower to bloom.

Garden of Thorns
Damage of Thorn Spitters: 5~75 + 10% Ability Power → 10~80 + 13% Ability Power

Deadly Spines
Damage: 70/125/180/235 + 50% Ability Power → 70/125/180/235 + 60% Ability Power

While Akshan is performing well in laning phases, it’s not translating to the late game. We’re improving his survivability to give him room to make splashy plays in team fights.
Base Stats
Armor per Level: 3.9 → 4.3
Magic Resistance per Level: 0.8 → 1

Damage: 5/30/55/80 + 80% Attack Damage → 5/35/65/95 + 80% Attack Damage
Damage ratio to minions: 60/70/80/90% → 55/70/85/100%

Heroic Swing
Damage of Critical Strike: 125% → 150%
Critical Strike damage with Infinity Edge: 155% → 180%

Seraphine is a great medic, providing ample Health Regen to her teammates, which can be frustrating to play against. We’re adjusting the amount of healing she is pumping out to give players more space for decision-making when it comes to the right moment to heal.

Surround Sound
Cooldown: 22/19/16/13s → 22/20/18/16s
Heal: (7.5% + 0.01% Ability Power) Health lost → (5% + 0.01% Ability Power) Health lost

Urgot can be oppressive in lane, especially to opponents that aren’t sure how his kits work (me). We’re adjusting his damage so his opponents (me) can catch their breath against him.

Damage: 12 + 20/25/30/35% Attack Damage → 6 + 20/25/30/35% Attack Damage

We’re adjusting Viego’s damage to make sure players are choosing the right time to go in.
Base Stats
Armor per Level: 5.5 → 5

Blade of the Ruined King
Damage of Passive basic attack: 4/5/6/7% current Health of the target → 3/4/5/6% current Health of the target
Damage of the second strike: 20% Attack Damage + 15% Ability Power → 15% Attack Damage + 15% Ability Power
Active damage: (25/45/65/85 + 80% Attack Damage) (1 + 0.75*Crit Rate) → (25/45/65/85 + 80% Attack Damage) (1 + 0.5*Crit Rate)

Cooldown: 80/70/60s → 90/75/60s
Basic damage: (1 + 0.75*Crit Rate) * 120% Attack Damage → (1 + 0.5*Crit Rate) * 120% Attack Damage

The Darkin form of Kayn needs to be more powerful to stay advantaged in fights.
Base Stats
Base Armor: 37 → 40

The Darkin Scythe
Energy gained by damaging melee champions: 12 → 15
Energy gain by engaging in taking down melee champions: 60 → 75
Health regeneration in Darkin form: 20~34% → 24~38%

Reaping Slash
Damage in Darkin form: 60/65/70/75% Attack Damage + (6% + 0.06% bonus Attack Damage)% target’s Maximum Health → 60/65/70/75% Attack Damage + (7% + 0.06% bonus Attack Damage) % target’s Maximum Health

Umbral Trespass
Health Regeneration in Darkin form: (10% + 0.1% bonus Attack Damage) target’s maximum Health → (12% +0.1% bonus Attack Damage) target’s Maximum Health
We’re buffing the Armor Penetration for the later phase of the game as it can be hard for champs to deal effective damage to well-itemized tank champions.
Last Whisper
16~30% Armor Penetration → 16~33% Armor Penetration
Similar to Mortal Reminder, we are buffing the Armor Penetration for the later phase of the game.
Last Whisper:
16~30% Armor Penetration → 16~33% Armor Penetration
The Redeeming Enchantment was not providing stable Health Regen to the team. We’re reworking it into an item to provide more frequent and stable healing to the team.
[Removed] Redeeming Enchant
Base Stat
Total price: 2600g
Maximum Health: 400
Maximum Mana: 300
Ability Haste: 20
Build path:
Catalyst of Aeons (1100g) + Kindlegem (1000g) + 500g
Heal ally units in the range of 350 for (50 + 6% bonus health) every 8s. If no allied champions are around, Salvation will not be triggered
Restore Mana equal to 15% of the damage taken from champions. When consuming Mana, restore health equal to 20% of mana consumed. Every cast restores Maximum 15 Health
We’re adjusting Ardent Censer’s base stats and ability to make sure it’s providing benefits to allies.
Base Stat
Ability Power: 60 → 55
Ability Haste: 10 → 20
Build path:
Aether Wisp (950g) + Kindlegem (1000g) + Ring of Revelation (400g) + 450g
Same total price
[Removed] When you heal or shield an allied champion other than yourself, you and the allied champion both gain 10-30% Attack Speed, and your basic attacks deal 16–30 bonus magic damage for 6s. Regeneration of your own health does not trigger Censer.
[New] When you heal or shield an allied champion other than yourself, they gain 15-40% Attack Speed, and their basic attacks deal 20–40 bonus magic damage.
Immortal Shieldbow used to increase in value with Crit rate, which limited its usage. We’re removing the crit requirement, as well as lowering the price so players can feel good about picking it up when they need survivability.
Total price: 3200g → 3000g (same build path)
[Old] Damage that puts you under 35% maximum health grants a shield in advance equal to 300 + 3 damage every 1% Crit for 5 seconds. (90s Cooldown)
[New] Damage that puts you under 35% maximum health grants a shield in advance equal to 250-550 damage (increasing with levels) for 5 seconds. (90s Cooldown)
We’re making Giant Slayer more focused on tank champions with bonus Health.
[Removed] Bonus damage is boosted up to 14% when enemies have 700 bonus Health
[New] Bonus damage is boosted up to 16% when enemies have 1600 bonus Health
We’re changing the mechanism of Lethal Tempo so marksmen can gain further attack range which will be better for team fights, especially with the attack speed stacks.
- [Removed] Gain stackable Attack Speed when attacking enemy champions. Stacks up to 6 times. At max stacks, you gain bonus range and can exceed your Attack Speed cap
- Each stack increases Attack Speed by 7–13% (melee) or 4–10% (ranged) for 6 seconds.
- At max stacks, gain 40% Attack Speed.
- [New] Gain stackable Attack Speed when attacking enemy champions. Stacks up to 6 times. At max stacks, you gain bonus range and can exceed your Attack Speed cap.
- Each stack increases Attack Speed by 10–18% (melee) or 7–15% (ranged) for 6 seconds.
- At max stacks, gain 50 (melee) or 75 (ranged) Attack Distance.
We’re further optimizing the performance of the T-Hex Mecha.
Mechanism optimization
Optimized the maneuvering of basic attack, which now can penetrate targets hit, with a damage decay
Slightly enlarge the hitbox of T-Hex Mecha, fitting better with its giant size
New Prompts
[New] Minimap prompts tips if T-Hex Mecha is spawned for a while but not activated.
[New] Minimap prompts effect on the lane where the T-Hex Mecha sets off
![]() Arcade Riven Chromas Releasing September 6 @ 00:01 UTC | ![]() Elderwood Rakan Releasing September 12 @ 00:01 UTC |