Wild Rift Patch Notes 5.3a
Who’s excited for the new season of Arcane? I cannot wait until I get to see my favorite character on the big screen again. And she’s coming to Wild Rift too?! Head into battle with Ambessa and watch your enemies shake in fear. We also got new events, new skins, and did we mention Arena is coming back this patch as well? Oh and your regularly scheduled balance changes. Welcome to patch 5.3a.
Reminder: content will be released throughout the patch.
All who know the name Medarda respect and fear the family's leader, Ambessa. As a Noxian general, she embodies a deadly combination of ruthless strength and fearless resolve in battle. Her role as matriarch is no different, requiring great cunning to empower the Medardas while leaving no room for failure or compassion. Embracing the merciless ways of the Wolf, Ambessa will do whatever it takes to protect her family's legacy, even at the cost of her own children's love.
Ambessa will be released on Nov 7 at 00:01 UTC.

Achieving greatness has never felt so good, and the goodies that come with it doesn’t hurt either! Earn Blue Motes, Poro Energies and Champion Pose!
Battle Challenge begins Oct 31 at 00:01 UTC

The Fearsome Noxus Warlord has landed in Wild Rift. Show off your Twin Drakehounds skill and earn rewards!
Ambessa Challenge begins Nov 8 at 00:01 UTC
Are you aligned with the thriving progressive city of Piltover or the dangerous undercity district of Zaun? Choose a side and fight for it!
Arcane: Battle of Twin Cities begins Nov 7 at 00:01 UTC

Miss Fortune has been rather unlucky in Lane with her shots lacking the damage needed to really make her mark. We’re moving numbers around to make sure that she’s turning heads as she strut by.

Double Up
Mana cost: 45 at all Levels → 35 at all Levels
On-hit damage: 60/95/130/165 + 115/120/125/130% Attack Damage + 35% Ability Power → 60/95/130/165 + 120/125/130/135% Attack Damage + 35% Ability Power

Bullet Time
Damage of each wave: 75% Attack Damage + 20% Ability Power → 85% Attack Damage + 20% Ability Power
Critical strike damage: 120% → 130%

We’re boosting the number of stacks Veigar would gain from Champion takedowns and also improving his late game scaling to ensure this Master of Evil will strike fear into the hearts of his enemies.

Phenomenal Evil
Champion takedowns grant Veigar Phenomenal Evil: 5 stacks → 7 stacks

Baleful Strike
Damage: 65/125/185/245 + 50/55/60/65% Ability Power → 65/125/185/245 + 55/60/65/70% Ability Power

Dark Matter
Mana cost: 75/80/85/90 → 65/70/75/80
Damage: 100/160/220/280 + 90% Ability Power → 100/160/220/280 + 95% Ability Power

We’re improving Pantheon’s Jungle clearing time so he can spend more time helping his Laners!

Comet Spear
Cooldown: 9.5/9/8.5/8s → 8.5/8/7.5/7s
Damage dealt to enemies with health lower than 35%: 110/200/290/380 + 165% bonus Attack Damage → 110/200/290/380 + 180% bonus Attack Damage
[New] Deals 110% damage to monsters

We’re lowering Galio’s cooldowns across the board so he can better takedown his enemies or assist his teammates, whichever role you prefer!

Winds of War
Cooldown: 11.5/11/10.5/10s → 11.5/10/8.5/7s

Justice Punch
Cooldown: 11/10/9/8s → 10/9/8/7s

Hero's Entrance
Cooldown: 100/90/80s → 90/80/70s

Swain has been needing a boost and these Ability Power ratio adjustments should help.

Death's Hand
Damage dealt for each bonus eldritch bolts: 10/20/30/40 + 7% Ability Power → 10/20/30/40 + 12% Ability Power

Demonic Ascension
Damage dealt per second: 15/35/55 + 15% Ability Power → 15/35/55 + 20% Ability Power
Health regeneration per second: 15/25/35 + 15% Ability Power → 15/25/35 + 20% Ability Power

Gragas has been overpowering his enemies with his unrelenting damage. We’re adjusting his numbers to allow room for counterplays.

Body Slam
Damage: 80/145/210/275 + 80% Ability Power → 70/135/200/265 + 70% Ability Power

Explosive Cask
Damage: 200/300/400 + 80% Ability Power → 200/300/400 + 70% Ability Power

Heimerdinger has been difficult to lane against as he sits in the safety of his turrets. We’re adjusting his fighting abilities to allow his opponents to catch their breath.

H-28G Evolution Turret
Damage dealt by turret on-hit: 5/11/17/23 + 35% Ability Power → 5/10/15/20 + 35% Ability Power
Damage of turret laser: 30/55/80/105 + 55% Ability Power → 30/50/70/90 + 55% Ability Power

Hextech Micro-Rockets
Damage: 70/95/120/145 + 60% Ability Power → 60/85/110/135 + 60% Ability Power

CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade
Damage: 85/130/175/220 + 60% Ability Power → 70/120/170/220 + 60% Ability Power

Modekaiser greatly benefits from sustain which can make him difficult to counter in Lane. We’re moving some numbers around to give his enemies room for counterplay.

Darkness Rise
Damage per second: 4.5 + 0.5 per Level + 30% Ability Power → 4.75 + 0.25 per Level + 25% Ability Power

Cooldown 11/10/9/8s → 12/11/10/9s

Death's Grasp
Cooldown: 16/14/12/10s → 17.5/15/12.5/10s
We’re adjusting Armor Penetration on items so players can see immediate benefits when choosing the item.
Last Whisper:
- +16~33% armor penetration → +33% armor penetration
We’re adjusting Armor Penetration on items so players can see immediate benefits when choosing the item.
Last Whisper:
- +16~33% armor penetration → +33% armor penetration
Terminus is a great item that provides both attack and defense stats. We’ve
found the damage makes it overwhelming in the early game, so we’re adjusting
it slightly.
- Attack Damage: 40 → 35
Wit’s End provides great damage and magic resistance, and has very high
cost-efficiency. We’re adjusting the numbers so it remains in line with other
- Magic resistance: 50 → 45
At Wit's End:
- Basic attacks deal 15-80 bonus magic damage → Basic attacks deal 15-65 bonus magic damage
We lowered the damage dealt by Hextech Elder Dragon to champions. Now players
can focus more on combats with enemies while fighting to slay the dragon.
Meanwhile, we boosted the Aspect of the Dragon received by taking down Hextech
Elder Dragon, providing higher damage buff in subsequent combat.
Hextech Elder Dragon:
- Damage of chain lightning to a single target: 100% → 80%
- Damage of chain lightning to multiple targets: 50% → 30%
The Aspect of the Dragon:
- When dealing damage, call down chain lightning on the target. The chain lightning ricochets to nearby enemies, dealing 100 → 200 true damage on each hit. If the chain lightning hits only one target, then deals bonus 100% → 30% true damage (1s cooldown).
- Hextech Mimics have been upgraded. Taking down Hextech Mimics automatically bring them to all players in the team and assist them to attack on the enemies’ turrets.
Mechanism adjustment:
- After defeating the Hextech Mimic, all allied champions gain Micro Mimics that can help them push lanes → After defeating the Hextech Mimic, all allied champions gain Micro Mimics automatically, duo lane players gain 2 Micro Mimics and other players gain 3.
Deceleration Ray now deals damage to monsters too.
Mechanism adjustment:
- Deceleration Ray deals damage and slows down enemy champions → Deceleration Ray deals damage and slows down enemy champions and monsters.
Galio’s Aegis is returning for a limited time! If you missed it last time, here’s the rundown:
Players that lose a match will not lose ranking if they achieve S-Level rating.
- S-Level rating compensation takes precedence over events and Ranked Loss Shields cards. If triggered, will not consume those cards or event bonuses.
Players that lose a match will be compensated for 50% of their current Rank Fortitude if they achieve A-Level rating.
- Ranked Loss Shields and A-Level rating compensation can trigger at the same time.
- If there is an event that compensates for loss and it is triggered, A-Level rating compensation will not occur.
Players will need to meet the following conditions to receive Galio’s Aegis
- Platinum rank or above.
- Match duration is greater or equal to 600s.
- No negative behavior during the match.
Galio’s Aegis is live right now! Let us know your thoughts as we continue to improve your ranked experience.
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Battle Mare Sivir Releasing November 08 @ 00:01 UTC ![]() | Battle Sheep Soraka Releasing November 08 @ 00:01 UTC ![]() |
Battle Bat Vayne Releasing November 08 @ 00:01 UTC ![]() | Prestige Select Battle Bunny Miss Fortune Releasing November 08 @ 00:01 UTC ![]() |