Wild Rift Patch Notes 3.4c

It’s time for the last balance patch of 3.4! Hunt down your foes and wreak havoc in the jungle, when we unleash Warwick onto the Rift this patch! We also have some balance updates before we close out 3.4 and head into 3.5!

Awoooo, it’s time for Patch 3.4c, the last patch of the 3.4 cycle! 

Hunt down your foes and wreak havoc in the jungle, when we unleash Warwick onto the Rift this patch! We’re keeping things on the smaller size for balance updates, but there is one big… well big to us change that we must direct your attention to. Malphite is receiving a buff! This is the first time Malphite has received any changes since Alpha so, welcome to the Patch Notes Malphite, it’s good to have you here. 

Thanks for reading and we’ll see you back here for Patch 3.5 on November 17th! 

Reminder: content will be released throughout the patch.





Warwick is a monster who hunts the gray alleys of Zaun. Transformed by agonizing experiments, his body is fused with an intricate system of chambers and pumps, machinery filling his veins with alchemical rage. Bursting out of the shadows, he preys upon those criminals who terrorize the city’s depths. Warwick is drawn to blood, and driven mad by its scent. None who spill it can escape him.

Warwick will be released on November 4 at 00:01 UTC.



Our favorite Rogue Assassin is in a tough spot. A lot of players enjoy picking her up, but she hasn’t been able to pick up many wins across the board. We’re cautiously buffing her base and scaling health regeneration to help her deal with some of the poke she may face in the earlier stages of the game, to help her reach her satisfying mid-game.


  • Base health regeneration: 9 → 10
  • Health regeneration per level: .68 → .8


Rewinding time and hitting your enemies with Chronobreak can be hard, especially in the early game… you are manipulating time after all. So we’re giving a little boost to the reward for accomplishing such a feat. At the same time, jungle Ekko is slightly better than in the Mid Lane, so we’re making another adjustment to damage he does to monsters.


  • Damage to monsters: 120% → 100%


  • Base damage: 150/300/450 → 200/350/500


Malphite is rock solid for most players, but they’ve been struggling in higher ranks. So we’re giving this rock some extra minerals to boost its Passive’s cooldown and Seismic Shard’s speed, while also adjusting their general durability to compensate.

Granite Shield

  • Cooldown: 8s → 8/7/6s (levels 1/5/11)
  • 10% of Maximum health → 9% Maximum health

Seismic Shard

  • Projectile speed: 10 → 12


Yuumi is still underpurrforming, and now that her heal is tied to combat, we feel comfortable buffing it since it no longer provides powerful sustain when out of combat.


  • Heal: 15/25/35/45 + 10% Ability Power → 20/30/40/50 + 10% Ability Power




Runaan’s Hurricane is rarely chosen over the other Zeal item options, even on the champions that synergize best with its effects. We’re giving a boost to the bolts ratio to make Runaan’s definitively stronger as a scaling option compared to other Zeal items, particularly when you’re up against a team with lots of melee opponents.

  • Wind's Fury bolts Attack Damage ratio: 40% → 55%


Our original goal with the adjustments we made to Quicksilver was to make it more capable of preventing layered crowd control from enemies by giving it an immunity window. But, the duration currently seems to be too short for most players to take advantage of it, so we’re increasing that immunity window to meet our goals for the reworked Quicksilver.

  • Crowd control immunity: .5s → .75s



This is an invisible mechanic that has been in the game since launch, intended to prevent sudden game ends. We feel this is artificially prolonging games while being difficult to play around due to its low profile. Rather than remove it in one go, we’re reducing its power to better understand its impact in games.

  • When 2 turrets in the same lane fall within 45 seconds: The next structures gain 30% damage reduction for 30 seconds. (Stacks) → Gains 15% damage reduction for 30 seconds. (Stacks)



Old God Warwick

Releasing November 4 @ 00:01 UTC


Nov 3 - Nov 9: Corki, Diana, Leona, Nautilus, Nunu & Willump, Pantheon, Shen, Shyvana, Veigar, Xayah

Nov 10 - Nov 16: Caitlyn, Graves, Irelia, Jarvan IV, Kassadin, Kennen, Lulu, Rakan, Samira, Vex