Wild Rift Patch Notes 6.0
Welcome to the first patch of the new year! Prepare to portal into the world of Yordles this patch with new Yordle champions, a new Yordle themed Rift, a Yordle themed pass and events, and an overpowering new mode. This patch also includes a durability update that will increase the health and resistances for almost all champions to make your fights last a little longer and allow for more skill expression.
Reminder: content will be released throughout the patch.
Yordles have arrived! Thanks to the wonderful magic of Bandle City, three popular Yordle champions are joining the fray in this patch. Who says Yordles are mere squirts? They pack some serious punch!
Rumble, the Mechanized Menace, is the first Yordle hero to hit this patch! A young inventor with a temper, the feisty Yordle uses nothing more than his own two hands and a heap of scrap to construct a colossal mech suit outfitted with an arsenal of electrified harpoons and incendiary rockets. Rumble brings explosive AoE damage to every team fight—he's impossible to ignore!
Rumble will go live with Patch 6.0 on Jan 9 at 00:01 UTC

Gnar, the Missing Link. Don't be fooled by that fluffy, adorable face, this little guy's got a mean streak! Gnar is a mercurial top-laner who can switch between a small, nimble ranged form and a hulking melee beast once his Fury is fully charged. Watch out when he goes big!
Gnar will be released later in the patch cycle.

Poppy, Keeper of the Hammer, has no shortage of valiant champions, but few are as tenacious as Poppy! Bearing the legendary hammer of Orlon, a weapon twice her size, this resilient top-laner charges headlong into battles and dominates duels. Fragile foes, beware!
Poppy will be released later in the patch cycle.

New Features
Ranked Season 16
We're gearing up for Ranked Season 16, which kicks off on January 10 at 00:01 UTC and is expected to end in April 2025. For more details, keep a lookout for notifications at the Ranked games portal!
In addition to the release of the Season 16-exclusive skin Glorious AigretteCorki, Glorious Crown Braum from Season 13 will also be returning to the Ranked Store.

Bandle City Adventure
All of the events in patch 6.0 will be be displayed in an interactive Bandle City-themed experience that showcases all of the details and prizes of current and upcoming events. Be sure to check it out!
New Wild Pass
The new Wild Pass Psychic Detective Kennen will join the Rift soon after patch update! You can also gain the Ascended Psychic Detective Kennen at Level 75, upgrade your Wild Pass and unlock more rewards! The Splendor Opus skin series inspired by traditional Peking Opera will also be live with patch upgrade, and many exquisite New Year limited skins will return!
Bandle Rift
With the Hextech craze over, it's time for the Rift to don a new look! Magic from Bandle City engulfs the Rift and fills it with a mysterious power! With Hextech Rift's themed mechanics being replaced by new Bandle Rift mechanics, an exciting and magical journey awaits you in the Rift!
We also designed a bunch of easter eggs based on the Yordle champions' colors and characteristics, and also memes from players that will surely bring a smile to your face. As you collect more of them, there will be a surprise waiting for you!
Enchanted Mushrooms
[New] Mechanics:
Starting from 1 minute into the game, mushrooms will spawn behind the turrets, picking them up grants you gold.
A mushroom will spawn every 3 seconds, up to 6 mushrooms.
Mushrooms will keep spawning throughout the entire game and will only spawn behind the outermost turret that can be attacked.
Mushrooms that spawn behind Outer Turrets grant 2 gold; Mushrooms that spawn behind Inner Turrets grant 3 gold; Mushrooms that spawn behind Inhibitor Turrets grant 5 gold.
You can destroy the opponent's Enchanted Mushrooms, but you will not gain any gold.
Enchanted Buff
[Retained] Mechanics:
Starting from 7.5 minutes into the game, newly-spawned Red Brambleback and Blue Sentinel will evolve into Empowered Red Brambleback and Empowered Blue Sentinel. After being defeated by the jungler, they will drop Crest of Cinders and Crest of Insight respectively, and can be picked up by a teammate to gain the same buff.
[New] Mechanics:
Starting from 12 minutes into the game, newly-spawned Red Brambleback and Blue Sentinel will evolve into Evolved Red Brambleback and Evolved Blue Sentinel. After being defeated by any player, all surviving teammates will receive Crest of Cinders or Crest of Insight buff.
Enchanted Gates
[New] Mechanics:
Spawn Mechanics:
From 7.5 minutes to 11.5 minutes into the game, four pairs of one-way Enchanted Gates will spawn. Players can use them to teleport from the team's base to their jungle.
From 12 minutes into the game to end of the game, two pairs of two-way Enchanted Gates will spawn. Players can use them to teleport between one of the team's jungle to the other.
- Using the Enchanted Gate:
A 1.5 second channeling time is required to use the gate.
Once a pair of the gates is used by any player, both gates will enter a 15-second cooldown. Enchanted Gate on cooldown cannot be used by any player.
Enchanted Ensemble
[New] Mechanics:
At 5 minutes into the game, a new neutral epic monster, Enchanted Ensemble, will spawn at the original location of the Rift Herald.
Enchanted Ensemble Abilities:
Upon entering combat, the three instrument monsters will combine into Rift Herald.
Basic Attack: Melee attack.
Get Flattened!: After charging for a brief period, Rift Herald slams into the ground, dealing physical damage and knocking back targets in an area.
After Rift Herald exits combat, returns to its original location and heals back to full health, if it does not enter combat within 5 seconds, it will leave its combined state and split into the three instrument monsters.
Enchanted Ensemble defeat reward:
The killer will have all their abilities' remaining cooldown reduced by 75%.
The killer can summon Enchanted Ensemble, and it will assist them in destroying the enemy turret.
Summoned Enchanted Ensemble Abilities:
After being summoned, Rift Herald will directly head towards the nearest turret.
After entering turret range, it will start charging and slam into the turret, dealing damage to it.
After slamming into the turret, Rift Herald will split into the three instrument monsters.
The instrument monsters will use basic attack, gaining stacking Attack Speed each time they attack.
Baron Nashor
As T-Hex Mecha will not be in the new Bandle Rift, we provide more rewards for defeating Baron Nashor by buffing the minion-empowering effect he gives.
[Adjusted] Mechanics:
Baron Nashor is influenced by the magic of Bandle City and gains new abilities. Slaying him also grants new rewards.
He spawns for the first time 12 minutes into the game and respawns 3.5 minutes after each time he is slain.
Slaying Baron Nashor grants the Hand of Baron buff that boosts the Attack Damage, Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist of all allied champions and reduces recall time.
While Hand of Baron is active, newly-spawned allied minion wave will be empowered:
Each minion wave now consists of two melee minions (Super minions will replace them as usual), a siege minion, and an Enchanted Trumpet minion.
Melee Minion: Gains bonus damage reduction.
Siege Minion: Uses ranged attack and can deal splash damage. Gains bonus damage reduction.
Enchanted Trumpet Minion: Upgraded version of caster minions. In addition to using basic attacks, it will also heal allied minions. Gains bonus damage reduction
Super Minion: Gains bonus damage reduction.
Baron's Gaze (Passive): Baron Nashor's target is slowed and deal less damage to him.
Soundwave Overture: Emits a powerful soundwave, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and reducing their Armor and Magic Resist.
Notes Deluge: Rains down musical notes, dealing magic damage to enemies nearby where the notes land and turning them into musical instruments for a short period.
Rousing Symphony: Plays a frenzied melody and marks an enemy, dealing magic damage to the marked target and nearby enemies multiple times.
Rear Spikes: Summons underground wooden spikes to impale enemies behind him, dealing magic damage and stunning them.
Elder Dragon
The chain lightning effect of Elder Immolation was removed in the new Bandle Rift and replaced by a burn effect, which was also buffed to compensate for the durability adjustment made to Champions to reduce the length of games.
[Adjusted] Mechanics:
Elder Immolation: Deals damage to enemies while burning them, dealing 450 true damage over 3 seconds. When dealing damage to an enemy champion with less than 15% of their maximum health, it will detonate that champion with Dragon Flame, dealing true damage equal to 100% of their maximum health.
We've increased all champions' endurance.
Low survivability often made teamfights and skirmishes feel too sudden and chaotic. To address this, we've increased the survivability stats of all champions. You can now expect longer battles with more opportunities to show off your skills. This update aims to improve the game's pace and enhance the fun of tactical decision-making during combat.
As part of this endurance update, we've increased base stats for all champions, including Base Health, Health per level, Base Armor, Armor per level, Base Magic Resist, and Magic Resist per level.
Meanwhile, we've reduced the healing, shielding, and durability provided by most items. While increased endurance makes these effects more impactful, we've adjusted them to avoid overly long matches or unkillable opponents.
In addition, for balance reasons, we've made targeted adjustments to a few champions, runes, and summoner spells to ensure they align with the endurance update in this patch.
We have listed in-detail stats changes for champions, items and runes at the end of this patch notes, please refer to it for more information.

Lux is performing poorly in lane. We increased her damage to minions to give her more opportunity for highlights in mid lane.

Light Binding
Damage to minions and small monsters: 30% → 90%

Diana is overpowering enemy champions so we nerfed some of her damaging abilities. We also wanted to bring her jungle clear speed back in line with other junglers so we nerfed her damage to monsters.

Moonsilver Blade
[New] Damage to monsters: 75%

Pale Cascade
Damage of each sphere: 25/40/55/70+25% Ability Power → 20/35/50/65+20% Ability Power

Base damage: 125/175/225 to 250/350/450 → 100/160/220 to 200/320/440

Singed’s abilities are difficult for his enemies to counter, so we adjusted some of his abilities to give some room for his enemies to breathe during fights with Singed
Base Magic Resist: 38 → 32

[Remove] Uninterruptive dash towards his target
[Adjust] Lower the speed of dash
[Remove] Cooldown returned for Fling missing the target due to death/Zhongya’s Hourglass/being untargetable

Kennen is a tad too weak, especially in the early phase. We buffed some of his ability damage.

Electrical Surge
Base passive damage: 45/55/65/75 → 55/65/75/85
Base active damage: 60/90/120/150 → 70/100/130/160

Lightning Rush
Base damage: 60/110/160/210 → 70/120/170/220

We buffed Teemo’s ability to deal consistent damage over time.

Toxic Shot
Base damage with Basic Attacks on-hit: 5+champion level*3 → 8+champion level*3
Following Basic Damage per second: 5+champion level*3 → 8+champion level*3

We buffed the benefits Amumu gains from tank items, positioning him better into a tank role, we also gave his Despair a bit of extra damage.

Damage: 20/25/30/35+(1.4/1.6/1.8/2+0.6% Ability Power) % target’s Maximum Health → 30/35/40/45(2/2.2/2.4/2.6+0.6% Ability Power)% target’s Maximum Health

Damage reduction from passive: 4/6/8/10+3% bonus Armor +3% bonus Magic Resist → 4/6/8/10+4% bonus Armor+4% bonus Magic Resist

We buffed Fizz’s ability to consistantly deal damage in mid and late phases of the game, so he spends less time idling around when his abilities are on cooldown.

Seastone Trident
Bonus damage: 20+champion level*2+40% Ability Power → 20+champion level*4+45%Ability Power

Rending Wave
Empowered damage of following Basic Attacks: 10/15/20/25+35% Ability Power → 10/15/20/25+40% Ability Power

We buffed Corki's damage and allowed him to use his abilities more frequently.
Base attribute:
Base damage: 54 → 58

Phosphorus Bomb
Mana consumption: 70/80/90/100 → 60/65/70/75
Game experience and styles vary between all of the support champions, some are specialized in protecting their teammates, others are capable of grabbing the perfect moment to initiate a fight. These abilities and great support play is crucial to victory and we hope support players’ teammates can more prominently feel their contribution to the team. Meanwhile, we’d love to highlight more of the traits of support champions, so they focus more on the champions’ abilities and their own skills.
(New) Forbidden Idol
Base Stats:
Total cost: 900g
Max Health: 100
Ability Haste: 10
Heal and shield strength: 5%
Build Path:
Ring of Revelation (400g) + 500g
(New) Kaenic Rookern
Base Stats:
Total cost: 2800g
Max Health: 350
Magic Resist: 75
Base Health Regen: 100%
Build Path:
Spectre's Cowl (1100g) + Negatron Cloak (900g) + 800g
After not taking magic damage for 12 seconds, gain a magic shield that absorbs damage (equal to 70-180+10% of max Health).
(New) Yordle Trap
Base Stats:
Total cost: 2500g
Max Health: 350
Armor: 40
Ability Haste: 15
Build Path:
Kindlegem (1000g) + Chain Vest (900g) + 600g
After applying crowd control effects that displace the enemy, gain 30% Movement Speed for 3 seconds and mark the target, reducing their Armor and Magic Resist by 5-12 for 5 seconds. If the target dies while they are marked, you and nearby allies gain 200-300 bonus gold in total. The bonus gold can only be earned once every 10 seconds.
(New) Enchantment: Dream Maker
Base Stats:
Enchantment price: 500g
Dream Maker:
Gain a Blue Dream Bubble and a Purple Dream Bubble every 8 seconds. Healing or shielding an ally blows both Dream Bubbles to them, empowering them for 3 seconds. Blue Bubble reduces the next incoming damage by 70-140, while Purple Bubble grants 20-90 bonus magic damage on the next hit.
Hextech - Soulstealer
Hextech - Stormrazor
Hextech - The Black Cleaver
Hextech - Zeke's Convergence
Abyssal Mask
Enchantment: Revival Enchant
The Black Cleaver
Zeke's Convergence.
Summoner Spells
[New] Cleanse
Cooldown: 100s
Removes disables (including spell debuffs) affecting your champion and grants immunity to disables for 0.75 seconds
Enemy Movement Speed reduction: 60% → 35%
Range: 500 → 600
Cooldown: 110s → 100s
Heal: 100~390 → 110~400
Bonus Movement Speed duration: 1s → 2s
Shield strength: 110~450 → 120~560
Duration: 2s → 2.5s
Interface and Controls
[Item Filter Tab]
Added an accessibility tab in the Item Shop interface to help players find items that suit their needs faster without searching in other tabs.
[Cooldown Optimization for Switching Active Item]
[Optimized] Mechanics:
If you switch your active enchantment that is not on cooldown, there will no be cooldown penalty.
If you switching your active enchantment that is on cooldown, the new active enchantment will inherit the cooldown of the previous one, up to a cap of 20 seconds.
[Self-Cast Button]
Added a self-cast button next to the cancel button of target abilities that can choose between yourself or other units (such as Lulu's Help, Pix! or Lissandra's Frozen Tomb) as the target. Drag the self-cast button upwards to cast the ability on yourself.
[Quick cast Empowered attacks]
[Optimized] Mechanics:
After enabling this feature in the Settings, only when the auto-aim target is a locked-on target, enemy champion, or clone, you will automatically follow up with attacks after casting an ability that empowers attacks. This helps prevent empowered attack from being wasted on low-value targets, such as minions or fruits.
[Manual Aim Time Limit]
Viktor's Death Ray and Rumble's The Equalizer: Added Manual Aim Time Limit setting. When aiming manually, if no sliding gestures are detected within the time limit, the starting point of the trail will be automatically selected for you (Tap the back button at the top left to cancel). You can then continue dragging the ability button to select the end point of the trail.
Endurance changes: Champion stats
Base Health: 600 → 630; Health per level: 125 → 140
Armor per level: 5 → 5.5
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 610 → 630; Health per level: 105 → 120
Armor per level: 3.5 → 4
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 600 → 630; Health per level: 125 → 140
Armor per level: 4.3 → 5
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 610 → 630; Health per level: 125 → 140
Armor per level: 4.3 → 5
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 105 → 120
Armor per level: 4.3 → 5
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 600 → 630; Health per level: 105 → 120
Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 600 → 630; Health per level: 115 → 128
Armor per level: 4.3 → 5
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 610 → 630; Health per level: 105 → 120
Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 600 → 630; Health per level: 112 → 128
Armor per level: 4.5 → 5
Magic Resist per level: 1.5 → 2
Base Health: 650 → 660; Health per level: 112 → 128
Armor per level: 4.3 → 4.5
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 125 → 136
Armor per level: 5 → 5.5
Magic Resist per level: 2.5 → 3
Base Health: 570 → 600; Health per level: 115 → 128
Armor per level: 4.3 → 5
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Master Yi
Base Health: 610 → 630; Health per level: 105 → 120
Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 630 → 660; Health per level: 115 → 128
Armor per level: 4.3 → 4.5
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 530 → 600; Health per level: 105 → 120
Base Armor: 30 → 34; Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 530 → 600; Health per level: 105 → 120
Base Armor: 30 → 34; Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 104 → 120
Base Armor: 25 → 28; Armor per level: 3.5 → 4
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Aurelion Sol
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 115 → 128
Base Armor: 30 → 34; Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 104 → 120
Base Armor: 30 → 34; Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Twisted Fate
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 115 → 128
Base Armor: 30 → 34; Armor per level: 3.5 → 4
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 115 → 128
Base Armor: 30 → 34; Armor per level: 4.3 → 5
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 105 → 120
Base Armor: 30 → 34; Armor per level: 3.5 → 4
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 600 → 660; Health per level: 135 → 144
Base Armor: 34 → 40; Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Base Magic Resist: 38 → 44; Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 540 → 600; Health per level: 104 → 120
Base Armor: 31 → 34; Armor per level: 4 → 4.5
Base Magic Resist: 32 → 36
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 125 → 128
Base Armor: 35 → 37; Armor per level: 4.7 → 5
Base Magic Resist: 32 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 95 → 112
Base Armor: 34 → 37; Armor per level: 4 → 4.5
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 610 → 660; Health per level: 105 → 120
Base Armor: 43 → 46; Armor per level: 4.3 → 5
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 530 → 600; Health per level: 105 → 120
Base Armor: 30 → 34; Armor per level: 4.7 → 5
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 600 → 660; Health per level: 104 → 120
Base Armor: 31 → 34; Armor per level: 4 → 4.5
Base Magic Resist: 32 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 1 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 105 → 120
Base Armor: 35 → 37; Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 105 → 120
Base Armor: 30 → 34; Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 610 → 660; Health per level: 105 → 120
Base Armor: 30 → 34; Armor per level: 4.3 → 4.5
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 105 → 120
Base Armor: 35 → 37; Armor per level: 3.5 → 4
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 112 → 128
Base Armor: 31 → 34; Armor per level: 4 → 4.5
Base Magic Resist: 32 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 1 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 104 → 120
Base Armor: 31 → 34; Armor per level: 4 → 4.5
Base Magic Resist: 32 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 1 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 112 → 120
Armor per level: 4 → 4.5
Base Magic Resist: 32 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 1 → 1.2
Base Health: 540 → 600; Health per level: 104 → 120
Base Armor: 28 → 34; Armor per level: 4.5 → 5
Magic Resist per level: 1 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 104 → 120
Base Armor: 31 → 34; Armor per level: 4 → 4.5
Base Magic Resist: 32 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 1 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 95 → 104
Base Armor: 40 → 45
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 530 → 600; Health per level: 95 → 104
Base Armor: 34 → 40
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 530 → 600; Health per level: 105 → 112
Base Armor: 30 → 34
Base Magic Resist: 30 → 36; Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 530 → 600; Health per level: 96 → 104
Base Armor: 35 → 40
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 104 → 112
Base Armor: 31 → 37
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 530 → 570; Health per level: 95 → 104
Base Armor: 35 → 40
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 95 → 104
Base Armor: 35 → 40
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 540 → 600; Health per level: 96 → 105
Base Armor: 30 → 34
Magic Resist per level: 1 → 1.2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 115 → 128
Armor per level: 4.3 → 5
Magic Resist per level: 1 → 1.4
Base Health: 570 → 600; Health per level: 115 → 128
Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.4
Base Health: 570 → 600; Health per level: 115 → 128
Armor per level: 3.5 → 4
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.4
Base Health: 610 → 630; Health per level: 115 → 128
Armor per level: 4.3 → 5
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.4
Miss Fortune
Base Health: 570 → 600; Health per level: 115 → 128
Armor per level: 4 → 4.5
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.4
Base Health: 630 → 660; Health per level: 115 → 128
Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 610 → 630; Health per level: 105 → 120
Armor per level: 4.3 → 5
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.4
Base Health: 570 → 600; Health per level: 115 → 128
Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.4
Base Health: 570 → 600; Health per level: 115 → 128
Armor per level: 3.5 → 4
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.4
Base Health: 570 → 600; Health per level: 115 → 128
Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.4
Base Health: 570 → 600; Health per level: 112 → 128
Armor per level: 4.5 → 5
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.4
Base Health: 610 → 630; Health per level: 115 → 128
Armor per level: 4.5 → 5
Base Health: 570 → 600; Health per level: 112 → 128
Armor per level: 4.5 → 5
Base Health: 530 → 570; Health per level: 105 → 120
Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.4
Base Health: 610 → 630; Health per level: 115 → 128
Armor per level: 4.5 → 5
Magic Resist per level: 1 → 1.4
Base Health: 600 → 630; Health per level: 112 → 128
Armor per level: 3.5 → 4
Magic Resist per level: 0.5 → 1
Base Health: 540 → 570; Health per level: 105 → 120
Armor per level: 4.3 → 4.5
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.4
Base Health: 530 → 570; Health per level: 115 → 128
Armor per level: 3.9 → 4.5
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.4
Base Health: 610 → 630; Health per level: 105 → 120
Armor per level: 3.5 → 4
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.4
Base Health: 570 → 600; Health per level: 105 → 120
Armor per level: 4.3 → 5
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.4
Base Health: 600 → 630; Health per level: 112 → 128
Armor per level: 4.5 → 5
Magic Resist per level: 1.5 → 2
Base Health: 600 → 630; Health per level: 112 → 128
Armor per level: 4.5 → 5
Magic Resist per level: 1 → 1.4
Base Health: 570 → 600; Health per level: 112 → 128
Armor per level: 4 → 4.5
Magic Resist per level: 1 → 1.4
Base Health: 600 → 630; Health per level: 104 → 120
Armor per level: 4 → 4.5
Magic Resist per level: 1 → 1.4
Base Health: 610 → 690; Health per level: 105 → 112
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 650 → 720; Health per level: 95 → 104
Base Armor: 35 → 40
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 660 → 720; Health per level: 112 → 120
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.5 → 2
Base Health: 650 → 720; Health per level: 115 → 120
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 610 → 690; Health per level: 105 → 112
Base Armor: 45 → 49
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Dr. Mundo
Base Health: 650 → 720; Health per level: 105 → 112
Base Armor: 35 → 40
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 115 → 120
Base Armor: 45 → 49
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Nunu & Willump
Base Health: 610 → 690; Health per level: 112 → 120
Base Armor: 35 → 40
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 95 → 104
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 105 → 112
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 610 → 690; Health per level: 135 → 144
Base Armor: 45 → 52
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 650 → 720; Health per level: 115 → 120
Base Armor: 50 → 55
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 570 → 630; Health per level: 105 → 112
Base Armor: 43 → 49
Magic Resist per level: 1.2 → 1.6
Base Health: 610 → 660; Health per level: 115 → 120
Base Armor: 30 → 34
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.2
Base Health: 650 → 720; Health per level: 115 → 120
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 610 → 660; Health per level: 115 → 120
Base Armor: 46 → 52
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 690 → 750; Health per level: 105 → 112
Base Armor: 50 → 55
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 630 → 690; Health per level: 120 → 128
Base Armor: 43 → 49
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 115 → 120
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 105 → 112
Base Armor: 35 → 40
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 610 → 650; Health per level: 136 → 144
Base Armor: 45 → 52
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 610 → 650; Health per level: 115 → 120
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 630 → 660; Health per level: 125 → 128
Base Armor: 45 → 52
Base Health: 660 → 690; Health per level: 115 → 120
Base Armor: 45 → 52
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Jarvan IV
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 115 → 120
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 112 → 120
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 610 → 650; Health per level: 120 → 128
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 0.8 → 1.4
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 120 → 128
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 125 → 128
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Lee Sin
Base Health: 630 → 660; Health per level: 112 → 120
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 570 → 600; Health per level: 104 → 112
Base Armor: 34 → 40
Magic Resist per level: 1 → 1.4
Base Health: 610 → 650; Health per level: 115 → 120
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 115 → 120
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 115 → 120
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 610 → 650; Health per level: 115 → 120
Base Armor: 35 → 40
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 600 → 630; Health per level: 104 → 112
Base Armor: 31 → 37
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 112 → 120
Base Armor: 35 → 40
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 125 → 128
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 105 → 112
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 610 → 630; Health per level: 105 → 112
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 120 → 128
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 630 → 660; Health per level: 112 → 120
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 570 → 600; Health per level: 105 → 112
Base Armor: 35 → 40
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 600 → 630; Health per level: 128 → 136
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.5 → 2
Base Health: 610 → 650; Health per level: 112 → 120
Base Armor: 37 → 43
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Xin Zhao
Base Health: 650 → 690; Health per level: 115 → 120
Base Armor: 35 → 40
Magic Resist per level: 1.6 → 2
Base Health: 630 → 660; Health per level: 112 → 120
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.5 → 2
Base Health: 630 → 660; Health per level: 128 → 136
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Magic Resist per level: 1.5 → 2
Base Health: 600 → 630; Health per level: 112 → 120
Base Armor: 37 → 43
Magic Resist per level: 1.5 → 2
Base Health: 630 → 660; Health per level: 120 → 128
Base Armor: 40 → 46
Base Health: 630 → 660; Health per level: 112 → 120
Base Armor: 40 → 43
Magic Resist per level: 1.5 → 2
Enchantment: Stoneplate Enchant
Stoneplate (Active)
Gain a shield that absorbs damage equal to 25% of max Health. The shield decays over 4 seconds. (60-second cooldown) The shield value increases by 200% of max Health if there are 3 enemies nearby. Damage dealt is increased by 40% for 4 seconds. → Gain a shield that absorbs damage equal to 28% of max Health. The shield decays over 4 seconds. The shield value increases by 14% of max Health per enemy nearby, capped at 3 enemies. Damage dealt is reduced by 40% for 4 seconds.
Colossal Consumption:
Bonus physical damage: 120+5% of self max Health → 140+3.5% of max Health
+12% Physical Vamp → +10% Physical Vamp
Blade of the Ruined King
+12% Physical Vamp → +10% Physical Vamp
Death's Dance
Mocking Shout:
Regeneration within 2 seconds: 12% max Health → 10% max Health
Ignore Pain:
Store 32% of physical damage taken (15% for ranged users). → Store 32% of physical damage taken (12% for ranged users).
Divine Sunderer
Self-healing: 7% of max Health (3% for ranged attacks) → 6% of max Health (2.5% for ranged attacks)
Ever Rising Moon:
Shield: 160 + 40% bonus Attack Damage (80 + 20% bonus Attack Damage for ranged champions) → 140 + 35% bonus Attack Damage (70 + 18% bonus Attack Damage for ranged champions)
Sundered Sky
Lightshield Strike:
Healing: 140% base Attack Damage + 6% missing Health → 125% base Attack Damage + 5% missing Health
Crown of the Shattered Queen
After the shield breaks, incoming damage is reduced by 50% for 1 second. → After the shield breaks, incoming damage is reduced by 40% for 1 second.
+13% Omnivamp → +11% Omnivamp
Warmog's Armor
Warmog's Heart:
Restores 5% of maximum Health per second → Restores 4.5% of maximum Health per second
Frozen Colossus:
Shield: 100–200 + 5% of current Mana → 90–180 + 4.5% of current Mana
Mantle of the Twelfth Hour
Bonus maximum Health: 200 + 50% of bonus Health → 180 + 45% of bonus Health
Vampiric Scepter
Base Stats:
+10% Physical Vamp → +8% Physical Vamp
Harmonic Echo
Base Stats:
Total cost: 2700g (unchanged)
Maximum Health: 0 → 100
Ability Power: 75 → 55
Heal and shield strength: 0 → 10%
[NEW] Build path:
Lost Chapter (900g) + Forbidden Idol (900g) + Amplifying Tome (500g) + 400g
Harmonic Echo:
Restores Health to the target and up to 3 nearby allies. → Only restores Health to the target.
Restores Health equal to 130 + 10% Ability Power → Restores Health equal to 150 + 15% Ability Power
[New] If the target's Health is below 40%, healing potency is increased to 150% of the original.
Staff of Flowing Waters
Base Stats:
Total cost: 2500g (unchanged)
Maximum Health: 0 → 100
Ability Power: 65 → 45
Heal and shield strength: 0 → 10%
[NEW] Build path:
Lost Chapter (900g) + Forbidden Idol (900g) + 700g
Base Stats:
Total cost: 2800g (unchanged)
Ability Power: 55 → 35
Heal and shield strength: 0 → 10%
[NEW] Build path:
Aether Wisp (950g) + Forbidden Idol (900g) + Ring of Revelation (400g) + 550g
Base Stats:
Total cost: 2700g (unchanged)
Maximum Health: 350 → 400
Heal and shield strength: 0 → 5%
[NEW] Build path:
Chain Vest (900g) + Forbidden Idol (900g) + Ruby Crystal (500g) + 400g
Base Stats:
Total cost: 2600g (unchanged)
Maximum Health: 400 → 350
Heal and shield strength: 0 → 5%
[NEW] Build path:
Catalyst of Aeons (1100g) + Forbidden Idol (900g) + 600g
[Removed] Cold Steel, Determination
[New] Countercurrent:
When you are Critically Struck by physical damage, gain 1 stack of Countercurrent. Each stack of Countercurrent grants 5% Critical Strike damage reduction. Stacks up to 4 times. Upon reaching full stacks, grants 20% bonus Movement Speed and slow resist equal to 40% plus 1% of bonus Health.
Wandering Soul:
Base Movement Speed stolen: 15% → 10%
Ability Haste stolen: 75% → 50%
Target Movement Speed reduction: 75% → 50%
Self Movement Speed increased: 60 → 45
Damage per second: 60 + champion level 3 → 45 + champion level 3
Movement Speed reduction: 35% → 25%
Sudden Impact
[Old] After exiting stealth or using a dash, leap, blink, or teleport, damaging an enemy champion grants you 13 Armor Pen and Magic Pen (4s cooldown). → [New] For 4 seconds after exiting stealth or using a dash, leap, blink, or teleport, damaging an enemy champion additionally deals 10 + 5 * (character level - 1) true damage (10s cooldown).
Grasp of the Undying
Bonus Magic Damage: 3% Maximum health + 20% Bonus Attack Damage + 10% Ability Power → 3% Maximum health
Healing done: 2% Maximum health → 2.5% Maximum health
Maximum Health gained per time: 5 → 10
Damage: 12~19 → 7~21
Arcane Comet
Damage: (30 to 100) + 2 * (Total hits on enemy champions) + 35% bonus Attack Damage + 20% Ability Power
→ (23 to 100) + 3 * (Total hits on enemy champions) + 35% bonus Attack Damage + 20% Ability Power
Unbound Frenzy
Available at 01/24/2025, 00:00:00 (UTC+0)
As the war between sweetness and saltiness goes into stalemate, humans grow tired of these tastes and are just going through the motions of fighting for their factions. Looks like it's time to add some SPICE to their life! With a maniacal laughter, the Chili Immortal descends upon the world on their Spicy Nimbus and does their wild magic—weird, fiery peppers start growing everywhere in the Rift! With that, he makes a declaration: From now on, spiciness shall rule over all other tastes. This plunged the world into a new age of multi-sided war. Many were unwilling to accept this new flavor that appeared suddenly—until a wanderer takes a leap of faith and tries the weird pepper. After a loud bang, the wanderer undergoes a complete transformation: their face becomes red and shiny, and is brimming with energy. But more importantly, they gained superhuman powers and could jump ten times higher than usual! It has become obvious that the weird pepper, now known as Devilish Pepper, brings various benefits and no one wants to miss out on this great opportunity. With that, the Chili Immortal, who cannot stand being bored, accomplished their goal. Those who ate the Devilish Pepper are more energetic than ever and they can now engage in a battle with Unbound Frenzy!
Unbound Frenzy Beta
Available at 01/09/2025, 00:00:00 (UTC+0)
During the beta period, you can draw for an access pass once per day to get early access to Unbound Frenzy. Upon completing a certain number of games after obtaining the pass, a new access pass will be activated and you can gift it to a friend. A client update is required on the day itself to participate in this event.
Champion Changes:
With the power of the Chili Immortal's Devilish Pepper, champions in Unbound Frenzy unlock their potential, enhancing their abilities in mysterious ways. As they discover their extraordinary transformations, how will they harness them to their advantage? What surprises will their transformations bring to the battlefield? Come and find out for yourself!
Increases the number of orbs and fox-fires in Orb of Deception and Fox-Fire. Charm can pass through and hit multiple targets.
Second Skin triggers Icathian Rain more frequently and refreshes Killer Instinct.
Malphite can steal the size of targets with Seismic Shard and increase the area of effect and damage of his abilities based on his size.
Creates multiple Pillars of Flame. Pyroclasm can bounce around endlessly.
Wukong can summon more clones to attack the enemy with him and share the damage he takes.
After casting Decimate, applies Apprehend's effects to targets struck by the blade. Stacks Hemorrhage more effectively.
Haymaker grants maximum Grit and is cast twice in a row, and Pit Grit regenerates more Health. The Show Stopper has a longer range and grabs all of the enemy champions in Sett's path.
Nunu & Willump:
Willump can roll a snowball infinitely in Biggest Snowball Ever! Absolute Zero automatically casts Snowball Barrage.
Shark alert! Casting Urchin Strike, Playful/Trickster, and Chum The Waters summons sharklets and sets them on enemies.
Increases the range of Aqua Prison and doubles the bounces of Ebb and Flow's stream. Tidal Wave applies the effects of Ebb and Flow on hit and has no limit to the distance it can travel.
Caitlyn's Piltover Peacemaker and Yordle Snap Trap trigger Headshot, and Ace in the Hole can lock onto multiple targets.
Triggering Unseen Threat empowers Taste Their Fear, Void Spike, and Leap. After learning Void Assault, Kha'Zix becomes invisible when entering brush after exiting combat, or upon champion takedowns.
Teddy Family: Upon triggering Pyromania or casting Summon: Tibbers, Giant Tibbers appears and casts abilities with Annie.
When Janna casts an ability, allied champions within range will also cast the same ability.
Sky Splitter summons three lightning bolts. When empowered by The Relentless Storm, the chain lightning travels further, up to 99 stacks.
Boomerang Blade splits into smaller crossblades that travel in different directions, Ricochet becomes permanent, and the area of effect of On the Hunt is greatly increased.
Champion takedowns increase Teemo's size and empower his abilities, and his mushrooms leave behind small mushrooms when they explode.
Corki fires a missile whenever he attacks and automatically retrieves The Package that Hextech Munitions sends. While Gatling Gun is active, his attacks can hit multiple targets.
Hecarim does not need to charge up for Rampage anymore. His spectral riders can charge multiple times during Onslaught of Shadows.
Jarvan IV:
Demacian Standard summons Garen and Xin Zhao to assist Jarvan IV in battle.
Increases the area of effect and stacks of Siphoning Strike and empowers Fury of the Sands based on the number of stacks.
Twisted Fate:
Wild Cards apply random card effects, Pick a Card flings the selected card at the enemy multiple times, and Stacked Deck applies all card effects.
Winter's Bite explodes on hit. If Braum takes damage during Unbreakable, he retaliates with Winter's Bite.
The axe thrown by Olaf during Undertow automatically returns, and he jumps to enemies during Reckless Swing.
Poison Trail is empowered. The toxic cloud now persists and has increased range.
Aatrox has more ways of gaining Umbral Dash charges. World Ender greatly empowers The Darkin Blade.
Transfusion drains the Health of enemies in an area. He can cast other abilities even when Sanguine Pool is still active.
Empowers Explosive Charge. After Tristana casts an ability, her attacks will apply the effects of Explosive Charge.
When Leona applies crowd control effects on enemies, it triggers the detonation effect of Eclipse and grants allies shields. Solar Flare calls down two beams of light.
Attacks are imbued with Excessive Force and she punches several times in succession when Excessive Force is cast
Can swing around terrain for an unlimited time with Heroic Swing. Comeuppance can lock onto multiple targets.
Transforms immediately when the game starts. Purchasing fully upgraded items evolve his abilities, granting him bonus empowering effects.
The range of Rocket Grab is greatly increased. Overdrive no longer lowers Movement Speed.
The areas of effect of Deadly Spines and Grasping Roots increase. Thorn Spitters can be upgraded by combining them.
Cull the Meek can spin multiple times. Slice/Dice can be cast up to 3 times. Fury empowers Renekton’s abilities, and takedowns during Dominus further empower him.
Mystic Shot will fire multiple bolts, Essence Flux can pierce and hit multiple enemies, and Arcane Shift will fire a threefold scattering wave.
Attacks and Super Mega Death Rocket! trigger Get Excited!, which allows Jinx to use Pow-Pow and Fishbones at the same time.
Dredge Line passes through minions, shield from Titan's Wrath is shared with all teammates, Riptide's waves now return, and Depth Charge applies Riptide effects on hit.
Pix becomes bigger and stronger! Becomes empowered and automatically fires magic lances at enemies.
Sweeping Blade cooldown can be refreshed, and Last Breath applies Wind Illusions.
Ammo Abundance: Increases the number of shots in Lightslinger, and The Culling fires more bullets over a larger area.
Summons multiple spirit blades. Stand United grants shields to all allied champions.
Master Yi:
When the passive effect of Wuju Style is triggered, Master Yi casts a mini Alpha Strike.
Bouncing Bomb bounces 1 more time, Satchel Charge has a longer travel distance, and Mega Inferno Bomb fires multiple Bouncing Bombs upon exploding.
Drops multiple daggers when Bouncing Blade or Death Lotus hits a target.
Advances Movement Speed and collides with multiple enemies with Powerball and taunts multiple targets with Frenzying Taunt
Battlefield Changes:
New items
Three new epic items: Stormsurge, Malignance, Hubris
Devilish Pepper Gate appeared somewhere between the fountain and outer turret, Champions can use it to quickly teleport to their team's outer turret. When the outer turret is destroyed, the Devilish Pepper Gate will also disappear.
After the last enemy nearby it dies, your allied siege minion will gain a siege buff to help your champions push.
Attribute Adjustments
Depending on whether a Champion is leading or falling behind based on their kills, increases turret's damage or resists respectively.
Increases Champions' Tenacity, Maximum Health, and Mana Regen in this mode.
Summoner Spells:
The effect of all Summoner Spells are increased in this mode.
Greatly reduces Flash and Hexflash's cooldown.
Grants immunity to slow while active. Increases Movement Speed bonus and duration.
Removes crowd control effect on yourself and your teammate on cast. Increases healing effect and reduce cooldown.
Gains a shield based on maximum health that decays over time. Increases base shield strength and duration, and reduces cooldown.
Removes the cooldown between Smites. After upgrading to Chilling Smite, it can instantly kill large monsters. After using it on Champions, you gain bonus Movement Speed.
Reduces cooldown and increases range. Can be used on multiple targets but has a stronger effect when used on a single target.
Increases Grievous Wounds effect. Enemies that are ignited receives additional damage and can be executed at low health.
Hextech ARAM
Available at 02/14/2025, 00:00:00 (UTC+0)
New Augments
There will be more Hextech Augments to choose from in the Hextech ARAM! Get yourself a Whale Augment if you want to purchase an item anytime and gain gold, and a Stackosaurus Rex Augment to double up all your stacks! For more new Augments, refer to the detailed content as follows.
The Amazing Golden Spatula [Item]:
Gain two additional item slots.
Whale [Item]:
Purchase items anytime and earn gold continuously.
Be Steel, Your Heart [Item]:
Greatly increases Heartsteel's stacking speed.
Twice Thrice [Attack]:
Your on-hits trigger a second time every 3 attacks.
Wisdom of Ages [Stat Boost]:
Increases the level cap to 18.
Master of Duality [Stat Boost]:
Gain Ability Power after hitting an enemy champion with an attack and Attack Damage after casting an ability. The Ability Power and Attack Damage bonuses last 3 seconds.
Dive Bomber [Stat Boost]:
Deal damage to nearby enemies upon death. Your revival timer is greatly reduced.
Nashor [Stat Boost]:
The higher your Ability Power, the higher your Attack Speed.
Be Physical [Stat Boost]:
Converts Ability Power into Attack Damage.
Be Magical [Stat Boost]:
Converts Attack Damage into Ability Power.
Vengeance [Stat Boost]:
Greatly increases your damage and Omnivamp when your teammate dies.
Stackosaurus Rex [Stat Boost]:
Greatly boosts stack effects.
Pressure Cooker [Stat Boost]:
Greatly increases size and Tenacity.
Repulsor [Crowd Control]:
Periodically unleash a force field that knocks back nearby enemies.
Backup Battery [Revival]:
Reanimate temporarily to continue fighting after you die. You also revive faster.
Fallen Aegis [Tank]
Periodically gain a magic shield that blocks incoming abilities.
Reset [Ability]:
Periodically resets the cooldowns of basic abilities.
Accelerating Sorcery [Ability]:
Permanently increases Ability Haste when you cast an ability. The Ability Haste gained this way is reduced upon death.
Ultimate Revolution [Ability]:
Ultimate can be cast twice every 40 seconds.
Swift and Strong [Movement]:
Reduces the cooldowns of movement abilities when you Critically Strike.
Surprise Attack [Movement]:
Greatly increases Critical Rate after exiting invisibility or using a movement ability.
Swift and Safe [Movement]:
Gain a shield that absorbs high damage after using a movement ability.
Stealth Mode [Movement]:
Become invisible after using a movement ability.
Transmissible Agents [Healing]:
Your healing and shielding are also granted to a nearby teammate.
Heart of Gold [Healing]:
Your heals and shields permanently increase the max Health of you and your teammates.
Healing Force [Healing]:
Reduces the cooldowns of basic abilities by 1second when healing or receiving healing.
Fervent Wish [Healing]:
Your heals can Critically Strike.
A Puzzling Reward [Healing]:
Periodically gain a strong shield.
Dawnbringer's Resolve [Healing]:
Quickly restore a large amount of Health when your Health is low. (50s cooldown; applying crowd control effects reduces the cooldown by 5s.)
Ultimate Spellbook [Active]:
Gain an Ultimate Spellbook ability. After using it, gain another random Spellbook ability.
Fortune Coin [Active]:
Toss a coin. If it lands on heads, you restore Health. If it lands on tails, summon a lightning bolt.
Banner of Command [Active]:
Increases your size and grants bonus stats. Your teammate gains the same effects if they are nearby.
Four Augments that apply crowd control effect to enemy champions gain a stronger set effect, so go and collect them like how you collect the Dragon Souls!
Head Blown [Punch Technique]:
Attacks stun enemies. Gain Secret Manual after collecting three Punch Techniques.
Uppercut Punch [Punch Technique]:
After using an ability, your next three attacks have increased Attack Speed and deal bonus physical damage. The third attack knocks enemies airborne. Gain Secret Manual after collecting three Punch Techniques.
Suction Punch [Punch Technique]:
After using an ability, your next attack has increased range and pulls the enemy in. Gain Secret Manual after collecting three Punch Techniques.
Thrust Punch [Punch Technique]:
After using an ability, your next attack has increased range, and you dash toward the enemy if you are a melee champion. Gain Secret Manual after collecting three Punch Techniques.
Augment Removal
Removed 15 Augments:
Lunar Eclipse, Mind to Matter, Tormentor, Shrink Ray, Perseverance, Celestial Body, Ionic Spark, Infernal Conduit, Black Hole, Planetary Ring, Quantum Computing, OK Boomerang, Evocation, Zhonya's Epiphany, Die Another Day
Augment Randomization Optimization
Optimized the pool of Augments that champions can receive at random. The Augments being pushed now are more compatible with champions' traits. We will not modify the results of randomization based on the results of games. We will merely try to ensure that a champion will not randomly receive Augments that are completely unsuitable for them (e.g. Garen will not receive Mana-related Augments due to randomness).
Item Prices
Similar to Arena, we will increase the sale prices of items to 100% of their purchase prices. As a result, you can now select desired items more flexibly.
Battlefield Changes
Base's Shield Defunct Duration:
10 minutes → 8 minutes
Basic Gold Gained After Champion Takedowns:
260g → 150g
New Items
Gambler's Blade [New to this mode]
Basic Attributes:
Total cost: 1700g
Ability Haste: 10
Movement Speed: 20
Money in the Bank:
Attacks and abilities bank 2–50 gold when they hit an enemy. On kill, cash out the gold. On death, lose 80% of your bank.
Perplexity [New to this mode]
Basic Attributes:
Total cost: 3000g
Ability Power: 85
Magic Penetration: 7%
Build Path
Aether Wisp (950g) + Blasting Wand (800g) + 1250g
+5% Movement Speed
Giant Slayer:
Deal bonus damage based on the enemy champion's bonus max Health, up to 22% bonus damage when the enemy champion has 2200 bonus max Health.
Soul Weep [New to this mode]
Basic Attributes:
Total cost: 3000g
Attack Damage: 40
Critical Rate: 25%
Attack Speed: 25%
Build Path:
Noonquiver (1350g) + Cloak of Agility (1000g) + 650g
Soulshatter Shot:
When attacks damage enemy champions, there is a 25% chance that 50%–80% of the damage (increases with Critical Rate) will convert into true damage.
After leaving combat, your first attack against an enemy champion gains 100% Attack Speed.
Hellfire Hatchet [New to this mode]
Basic Attributes:
Total cost: 3000g
Attack Damage: 55
Ability Haste: 15
Build Path:
Serrated Dirk (1000g) + Caulfield’s Warhammer (1200g) + 800g
+15 Armor Penetration
Damaging abilities and attacks heal you for 1.5% of the target's current Health and apply a stack of Burn to them, dealing physical damage equal to (1% + 0.004% bonus Attack Damage + 0.06% Armor Pen) of the target's max Health for 2s.
When your damaging ability hits an enemy, your damage over time increases by 20% for 3s. (4s cooldown) Damage over time includes Burns applied by items or Augments and abilities that cause bleeding.
Battlefield Changes
We changed the way teams gain Gold in ARAM mode. As a result, you will now be able to pay more attention to the thrilling teamfight. This change will affect ARAM, Spellbook ARAM, and Hextech ARAM simultaneously.
Ratio of Passive Gold Obtained Upon Minion Death:
20% → 60%
Gold Generation:
11 → 10/s (14 → 13/s in Hextech ARAM)
New Augments
Added 11 new Augments. The mechanics of the new Augments will be identical to those in Hextech ARAM. However, the stats of certain Augments will be slightly different. Corresponding synergies will be added for these Augments:
Twice Thrice [Attack]:
Your on-hits trigger a second time every 3 attacks.
Nashor [Stat Boost]:
The higher your Ability Power, the higher your Attack Speed.
Stackosaurus Rex [Stat Boost]:
Greatly boosts stack effects.
Reset [Ability]:
Periodically resets the cooldowns of basic abilities.
Swift and Strong [Movement]:
Reduces the cooldowns of movement abilities when you Critically Strike.
Swift and Safe [Movement]:
Gain a shield that absorbs high damage after using a movement ability.
Stealth Mode [Movement]:
Become invisible after using a movement ability.
Transmissible Agents [Healing]:
Your healing and shielding are also granted to a nearby teammate.
Healing Force [Healing]:
Reduces the cooldowns of basic abilities by 1s when healing or receiving healing.
Fervent Wish [Healing]:
Your heals can Critically Strike.
Ultimate Spellbook [Active]:
Gain an Ultimate Spellbook ability. After using it, gain another random Spellbook ability.
Augment Removal
Removed 14 Augments:
Rabble Rousing, Thread the Needle, Infernal Conduit, Castle, Erosion, Evocation, Fallen Aegis, Typhoon, Backup Battery, Stone Skin, Tropical Punch, Schrodinger's Healthbar, Clothesline, Protective Shell
Battlefield Changes
Removed the teamfight round. As a result, Round 4 is now a normal round.
Brought forward the Augment selection round. As a result, you can now collect six Augments even faster.
Similar to Hextech ARAM, we simplified the descriptions of Augments. You can still view Augment details by tapping the Scoreboard's Augment icon.
Mission System Removal
Removed the old mission system. The old Skin Fragments for the "Dark Star Malphite" skin have been converted into corresponding items and stored in your vault, with 2 Wondrous Gems, 100 Condensed Ores, 30 A Small Gifts, 1000 Blue Motes and 1000 XP as unfinished progress compensations. Other rewards are moved into the Collected Legends, more details are available within the game itself.
Renamed Poro Energy to Condensed Ores, which can be used to purchase a wider variety of items. Condensed Ores can be converted into Condensed Motes at a 1:1 ratio. Use Condensed Motes to redeem rewards at the Collected Legends Redemption Store.
Certain rewards such as guild rewards, Rift Star rewards, and Wild Pass rewards have been added to Collected Legends card packs. More details are available within the game itself.
Collected Legends
Upgraded the old mission system to the new Collected Legends system. New activity rewards such as the exclusive skin "Pengu Cosplay Tristana" and Orange Gemstones have been added.
Collected Legends simplifies the daily in-game goals, allowing you to accumulate and obtain free exclusive rewards just by focusing on the gameplay experience.
There are four Collected Legends seasons a year, with each season split into three phases. Completing 3, 6, and 10 legendary card sets in each phase will grant you one of the three rewards corresponding to that phase respectively.
You can obtain card packs of varying rarities by completing Collected Legends missions and by receiving other rewards. Card packs grant different collectible cards, which can then be used to complete card sets.
Card packs may contain cards of different rarities, as well as Blue Motes and XP.
To earn Prismatic Card Packs, perform well in games to fill up your Prismatic Card Pack Energy. Not only do Prismatic Card Packs contain cards, they may also contain skins.
Added the new time-limited currency "Condensed Motes". Condensed Motes can be used to redeem Skin Chests, Pose Chests, Boost Cards, and other items from the Collected Legends Redemption Store.
Added the new item "Wondrous Gem", which can be used to redeem exclusive rewards such as exclusive skins, Dark Star Malphite, and Dark Star Malphite Chroma skins from the Collected Legends Redemption Store. More rewards will be added in future patches.
For more details about the Collected Legends system, please refer to its in-game tooltip.
Unbound Frenzy Periphery System
With the Chili Immortal and Devilish Peppers as core elements, we've overhauled the Unbound Frenzy mode's entire gameplay, as well as its look and feel. This new mode is bound to be an unprecedented experience!
Added a brand-new Champion Archive for the Unbound Frenzy mode, allowing you to view details about the mode's champion enhancements. Once the Unbound Frenzy mode is officially launched, play it to receive a Companion and an exclusive title!
Easter Egg Collection and Time-Limited Collection
Added a new Easter Egg Collection to the Normal tab, allowing you to view easter eggs that you've picked up while playing the time-limited mode. While the time-limited easter eggs are still available, collecting them will even grant certain interesting rewards.
Gameplay Preview
Added the feature to preview casual modes. Using this feature allows you to view all of the casual modes that'll become available in the coming month. You can even pre-register for your favorite modes.
Loadout Optimizations
Optimized player experience of selecting corresponding lanes and modes in Loadouts: Added the Lane and Mode tabs to the Loadout Recommendation screen. You can now rapidly filter out lanes/modes corresponding to their loadouts via these tabs.
After copying a loadout, the original Confirm notification panel has been optimized into the Confirm Replacement panel, allowing you to freely select the loadouts to be replaced. This resolves the current issue of players accidentally replacing their original loadouts.
When you are currently using a loadout that is completely identical to a popular loadout, a new Selected icon notification will be added to the identical loadout.
Added a feature to share around-game loadout codes: After you have configured your loadout, you can convert it to a loadout code that can be copied and sent to friends. Once sent, they only need to copy the loadout code to the "Loadouts"-"Loadout Search" page to retrieve and use the corresponding loadout.
Highlight Optimizations
Added numerous in-game highlight announcements. When you perform well in games, a highlight announcement will be triggered based on the type of feat that you accomplished.
Added a Personal Performance EOG summary screen that includes highlights, data displays, Game Performance Score, and Champion Score/Mastery. This EOG screen is only added for Normal PVP, Ranked, and Legendary Ranked games.
Casual Mode Page Optimizations
Overhauled the Casual Mode page, with the mode's front cover now updated to include visuals that are more relevant to the mode itself. Added a new graphical rules page. Secondary page portals related to this mode have been unified in order to highlight the uniqueness of this mode.
Social Feature Optimizations
In-game interactions between players will now be summarized in the commendations screen, allowing you to view data such as which players assisted you and who coordinated with you the most. Two new types of interactions, the "Thanks" and the "High-five", have also been added so that you can express your gratitude to other players.
Optimized the Like feature so that you can give a Like on the Data Statistics panel, as well as view the number of Likes received by your teammates.
Champion and Lane Screen Revamp
Revamped the Profile-Champion and Lane screens, with an emphasis on displaying content relating to certain modules such as player champions, lanes, and Master of Versatility.
Added a secondary tab for champions. When you tap on a champion, you can now view details such as past Honorary Titles for that champion and champion configurations for the current season.
Lane Stat Adjustments
Revamped Lane Levels such that they are no longer calculated using champions' highest seasonal scores. Instead, they're now calculated using lifetime highest scores.
All slots are now unlocked by default and do not require players to unlock them by increasing Lane Levels.
Tiers 1 and 2 have been adjusted to include four champions each. The Tier Factor of Tier 3 Champion Scores has been reduced from 5% to 0%.
Increased max Lane Level to Lv. 25. Icons corresponding to the various Lane Levels have been reassigned according to the revamped levels in the new patch.
The aforementioned adjustments will take effect once a new season begins. When that happens, Lane Levels will be recalculated for all players based on their champions' lifetime highest scores.
Master of Versatility Stat Adjustments
Master of Versatility Revamp
Adjusted requirements for reaching each of the three levels for Master of Versatility. Reduced Lane Score requirements for the first two Master of Versatility levels. Added a new Champion Score requirement.
The aforementioned adjustments will take effect once a new season begins. When that happens, Master of Versatility levels will be recalculated for all players based on their Lane Scores and Champion Scores.
Real-time Scoring Screen
Added a real-time scoring portal for champions and lanes to Ranked and Legendary Ranked, allowing you to easily view your current Champion Scores, Lane Scores, and Master of Versatility progress.
Gifting Optimizations
The Gifting feature has been upgraded. Personalize greeting cards and gift bundles with the unique memories that you and your friends have shared.
Show your sincerity with new Surprise and Birthday Gift Bundles.
The new "Quick Create" and "Emote Input" features allow you to write personalized gift messages more easily.
The new "Signature" feature allows you to address the gift's recipient with an intimate nickname. It's bound to surprise them!
Collection Score Expansion
Added the "Nebula Collector" and "Cosmic Connoisseur" levels to the Collector system.
Added Collection Score badges for players to display their statuses. Players can also unlock and obtain rare Collection Score rewards.
Companion System Optimizations
Added a new Companion nighttime environment in order to create a more immersive Companion system. You can freely switch between daytime/nighttime environments in the Companion system. Alternatively, you can let the environments switch automatically based on the current time on your device.
The environment that you select will also display your Profile and Mini-Profile Card.
Stellar Bonds Level Expansion
Max Stellar Bonds level has been increased to Lv. 8. New perks have also been added, including a Badge of Prestige and a dynamic icon border.
Badlands Baron Rumble Releasing Jan 9 @ 00:01 UTC ![]() | Cottontail Lillia Releasing Jan 9 @ 00:01 UTC ![]() |
Pengu Cosplay Tristana Releasing Jan 9 @ 00:01 UTC ![]() | Splendor Opus Mundo Releasing Jan 16 @ 00:01 UTC ![]() |
Splendor Opus Kalista Releasing Jan 16 @ 00:01 UTC ![]() | Splendor Opus Sett Releasing Jan 16 @ 00:01 UTC ![]() |
Splendor Opus Talon Releasing Jan 16 @ 00:01 UTC ![]() | Splendor Opus Teemo Releasing Jan 16 @ 00:01 UTC ![]() |
Psychic Detective Kennen Releasing Jan 9 @ 00:01 UTC ![]() | Glorious Aigrette Corki Releasing Jan 9 @ 00:01 UTC ![]() |
Fixed the issue where Yone casting either Spirit Cleave or Soul Unbound during Mortal Steel's third dash will cause the ability to be cast preemptively, with no way of selecting its direction.
Fixed the issue where Lucian may be pulled toward Kalista preemptively while he is casting The Culling if Kalista is also in the process of casting Fate's Call at that moment.