Wild Rift Patch Notes 5.3d
A few balance changes for our last patch of 2024 as we head into the new year.

It is difficult for Katarina to join the combat in late phases in the game, so we boosted her damage. If she can spot a good position to dance on the tip of her blade, she will be rewarded.

Damage: 40+ champion level *13+100% bonus Attack Damage + (30+ champion level *3)% Ability Power → 40+ champion level *15+100% bonus Attack Damage + (30+ champion level *4)% Ability Power

Bonus movement speed: 30/40/50/60% → 40/50/60/70%

Death Lotus
Bonus damage: 280% Ability Power → 290% Ability Power

We buffed Sion’s damage in the laning phase to show off his power to his enemies.

Decimating Smash
Minimum basic damage: 40/65/90/115 → 50/75/100/125
Maximum basic damage: 80/165/250/335 → 100/185/270/355

Soul Furnace
Basic damage: 40/75/110/145 → 60/90/120/150

Evelynn is always weaker when she does not have her ult ready, so we reduced its cooldown to find more opportunities to lure in her enemies for an attack.

Last Caress
Cooldown: 105/85/65s → 95/80/65s

Restrained by his energy regeneration mechanism, it’s challenging for Zed to manage his lane and his enemies. We adjusted his energy consumption to help him farm better in lane.

Razor Shuriken
Energy consumption: 70/65/60/55 → 65/60/55/50

Shadow Slash
Energy consumption: full level 50 → full level 40

We adjusted Rammus’ cooldowns and damaging abilities, so he can launch more frequent attacks on his enemies on lanes while at the same time posing a stronger threat.

Cooldown: 15/12/9/6s → 12/10/8/6s

Defensive Ball Curl
Attacked damage with basic attack: 10/12/14/16+8% armor → 10/12/14/16+10% armor

Frenzying Taunt
Cooldown: 15/14/13/12s → 13.5/13/12.5/12s

Soaring Slam
Cooldown: 95/80/65 s → 80/70/60s

Some Vayne players found a method of playing her that does not suit her role, and it creates a negative experience for both her enemies and her teammates. We adjusted some of her abilities and attributes, so she will perform better in her traditional duo lane role.
Basic attributes
Growth attack damage: 2.65 → 3

Cooldown: 3.5/3/2.5/2 s → 4.4/3.6/2.8/2 s

As a marksman that is supposed to take a little bit longer to power up, Tristana was dealing too much damage and pushing very quickly in early phases of games. We nerfed her Attack Damage and Explosive Charge, so she will need more protection from her teammates in the early phase.
Basic attribute
Basic attack damage: 58 → 54

Explosive Charge
Active basic damage: 65/85/105/125 → 50/75/100/125

We nerfed Kalista’s damage to make it harder for her to continuously suppress her enemies in the laning phase. She will need more help from her teammates now while farming in the laning phase.
Basic attribute
Basic attack damage: 58 → 54

Basic damage of each following spear: 10/15/20/25 → 8/12/16/20

Warwick was dealing too much damage in the early phase of games. We nerfed his damage giving some room for his enemies to fight back.

Eternal Hunger
Basic damage: 12~61 → 12~46

Jaws of the Beast
Damage : 130% Attack Damage+100% Ability Power +7/8/9/10% maximum health of target
→ 130% Attack Damage+90% Ability Power +6/7/8/9% maximum health of target

Infinite Duress
Cooldown: 70/60/50 s → 80/70/60 s
Duration for the empowered basic attack after landing: 5s → 2.5s
Damage: 175/350/525+167% bonus Attack Damage → 125/300/475+167% bonus Attack Damage
First Strike
We boosted the damage and gold gained from First Strike, so it competes better with other Keystone Runes. Champions who can use it effectively should choose it more often.
Bonus damage:7% → 8%
Basic gold gained:5 gold → 10 gold
Lethal Tempo
We adjusted the bonus ranged attack speed provided by Lethal Tempo, to reduce its effectiveness for marksmen.
Attack speed per stack:7%~15%(ranged) → 4%~13%(ranged)
Bonus attack speed provided for melee champion remains the same