11-02-2022Game Updates

Wild Rift Patch Notes 3.4c

It’s time for the last balance patch of 3.4! Hunt down your foes and wreak havoc in the jungle, when we unleash Warwick onto the Rift this patch! We also have some balance updates before we close out 3.4 and head into 3.5!

  • Alice Labrecque
  • Nick Frijia
  • Sean Mason
  • Truyen Ha




Our favorite Rogue Assassin is in a tough spot. A lot of players enjoy picking her up, but she hasn’t been able to pick up many wins across the board. We’re cautiously buffing her base and scaling health regeneration to help her deal with some of the poke she may face in the earlier stages of the game, to help her reach her satisfying mid-game.


    • Base health regeneration: 9 → 10
    • Health regeneration per level: .68 → .8
EKKO Image


Rewinding time and hitting your enemies with Chronobreak can be hard, especially in the early game… you are manipulating time after all. So we’re giving a little boost to the reward for accomplishing such a feat. At the same time, jungle Ekko is slightly better than in the Mid Lane, so we’re making another adjustment to damage he does to monsters.

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    • Damage to monsters: 120% → 100%

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    • Base damage: 150/300/450 → 200/350/500


Malphite is rock solid for most players, but they’ve been struggling in higher ranks. So we’re giving this rock some extra minerals to boost its Passive’s cooldown and Seismic Shard’s speed, while also adjusting their general durability to compensate.

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    Granite Shield

    • Cooldown: 8s → 8/7/6s (levels 1/5/11)
    • 10% of Maximum health → 9% Maximum health

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    Seismic Shard

    • Projectile speed: 10 → 12


Yuumi is still underpurrforming, and now that her heal is tied to combat, we feel comfortable buffing it since it no longer provides powerful sustain when out of combat.

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    • Heal: 15/25/35/45 + 10% Ability Power → 20/30/40/50 + 10% Ability Power
  • AliceL_Authorimg.jpg

    Alice Labrecque

    Comms Specialist

    Alice “a tiny frogo” Labrecque is a frog. Ribbit.

  • NickFrijia_Authorimg.jpg

    Nick Frijia

    Game Designer

    Nick "Endstep" Frijia is a game designer on the Wild Rift balance team. He prefers to engage in honorable 1v1 combat whenever possible, regardless of which role or game he's playing, and usually communicates exclusively through emotes.

  • SeanMason_Authorimg.jpg

    Sean Mason

    Game Designer

    Sean "Zekramen" Mason is a Game Designer on the Systems and Balance team for Wild Rift. He loves games and sports of all kinds and has been a Sonic main in Super Smash Bros. for 15 years.

  • Lulu_Skin01-Icon_TruyenTest.jpg

    Truyen Ha

    Game Designer

    Truyen “Necaris” Ha is a game designer on the Wild Rift Systems and Balance team. He is a Dark Souls masochist and Brandon Sanderson fan. He once ate 72 chicken nuggets in a contest and got second place.