Wild Rift Patch Notes 2.2

A monstrous patch is bringing a horde of champs, changes, and choices to Wild Rift! Wanna gank any lane? Galio’s just a stone’s throw away. Wanna choose your lane? Queue up with Position Preference. Want… just one lane? All Random All Mid is in testing. Welcome to Patch 2.2!

A monstrous patch is bringing a horde of champs, changes, and choices to Wild Rift! Wanna gank any lane? Galio’s just a stone’s throw away. Wanna choose your lane? Queue up with Position Preference. Want… just one lane? All Random All Mid is in testing. Strap in, stay hydrated. Welcome to Patch 2.2!

Reminder: content will be released throughout the patch. In case you missed it, here’s a preview of some of the new stuff coming to Wild Rift in the next couple of months!



Welcome all players in the Americas to the Open Beta! 

Also, welcome to players in Hong Kong and Macau!



Outside the Great City of Demacia, the stone colossus Galio keeps vigilant watch. Built as a bulwark against enemy mages, he often stands motionless for decades until the presence of powerful magic stirs him to life. Once activated, Galio makes the most of his time, savoring the thrill of a fight and the rare honor of defending his countrymen. But his triumphs are always bittersweet, for the magic he destroys is also his source of reanimation, and each victory leaves him dormant once again.

Galio will be released on April 1 at 17:01 PST.



Calling all daring duos, skillful solo laners, and mediocre mids!

Patch 2.2 begins our testing of a new feature we’re calling Position Preference. Similar to League PC’s position select, we’ve been working on a way for you to have more control over the position you play in game. 

Note: This test will not be running in the Americas.

Before you get into a match, order your preferred positions (solo lane, jungle, mid lane, duo lane, support) from most to least preferred, and the matchmaking system will prioritize giving you one of your top positions a majority of the time. It’s still possible to be given any position, but you should have a lot more control over how often you are assigned one you want to play. If you choose not to specify a position, no problem: we’ll look back at your recent history and base it off that instead. Your choices will even be saved between sessions!

Once champ select begins, all players will be assigned a position—you’ll see them in champ select—and champs which are regularly played in your assigned position will be highlighted. You can also now filter by position to find appropriate champs for where you’re playing. Finally, when the game begins, you’ll see new indicators to guide you to your chosen lane.

We’ll begin with a temporary Position Preference queue, enabled for 2 weeks. You’ll find it in the ranked tab, but there’s a few things to note:

  • The queue will not impact ranked progression or contribute to most event progress.
  • We’ll be running an ongoing event called Position Lab, which will give you some extra Blue Motes for each day you play and help us test!
  • Pending the queue’s performance and your feedback, we’ll evaluate whether it’s ready to roll out to the primary ranked queue at the end of the test. If not, we’ll take it back into development for more tweaks.


A player-favorite mode from League PC hits its first round of testing in Wild Rift this patch: All Random All Mid is here! ARAM will be available to try out for a limited time. Queue up and immediately enter hectic teamfights with speedier leveling in 12-minute all-out brawls.

In ARAM, you’ll play on the Howling Abyss, a bridge atop a bottomless crevasse where warriors once fought to defend the rest of the Freljord from an ancient enemy. In ARAM, there’s one lane, and you’re given a random champ from your pool. If you’re not happy with the hand that Lady Luck has dealt, use a limited number of rerolls to try again. Rerolled champions go to the “bench” where your teammates can pick them up if they wish.

ARAM also features two new spells exclusive to the mode:

  • Mark/Dash: A two-part spell. Mark throws a snowball in a line, dealing damage and marking the first enemy hit. Reactivate to Dash to the enemy to instantly get the party started. It’s sort of like Lee Sin’s (1), but with a frosty edge.
  • Clarity: Clarity is joining from the League PC lineup. Using Clarity grants a burst of mana back to you and nearby allies.

Starting April 5th, we’ll be running a small three-day test of the game mode to make sure that everything works as intended. If things look good, ARAM will be available to play for over a month, running from April 15th to May 19th. 

We’re still early, so at this stage in development, some features are not fully supported. Runes, items, loadouts, and a few other areas have not been finalized yet for Wild Rift. 

For more information on our approach to modes, and more on ARAM, check out our intro here.


Start your ranked climb in the Americas as soon as Patch 2.2 begins on March 29!

Reaching Gold with 10 wins or more under your belt grants Glorious Jinx, plus Jinx if you don’t own her already.

Glorious Jinx was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in Season 2. Emerging unscathed from a thousand apocalyptic explosions, she’s got her eyes on the big boom to end them all.


Patch 2.2 introduces the Wild Pass, a way to earn more content just for playing. You can choose to upgrade your Wild Pass to obtain some new rewards, and reaching the end of the pass (Level 50) grants you an exclusive skin: Hexplorer Jax! Beyond Level 50, you can continue to earn bonus rewards as well.

A master of Hexploration, Jax travels light so he can load up his pack with “artifacts” from “ancient cities.” Yet, nobody has ever heard of these civilizations before, and some of the technology he brings back seems curiously advanced...

The Wild Pass will launch with the start of Season 2 of ranked and costs 590 Wild Cores. The Wild Pass Elite offers a bunch of progress and missions to turbocharge your progress, and costs an additional 400 Wild Cores. You can purchase levels for 150 Wild Cores each.

More info on the Wild Pass will be coming in the next few days.


We’re testing 120Hz support for a select few high-end devices. Your device may experience overheating or performance issues, so use carefully!

More information in the Controls and Settings section below.


Added official support for Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish, and Arabic.

There are known issues with some text displaying incorrectly in Arabic—we’ll be fixing them in future patches.


Several new in-game items are on the way, including Winged Moonplate, Force of Nature, and Frozen Heart. Read more in the Items section below, and check out more details on the whys and hows in our recent /dev update.


  • Corgi Corki
  • Debonair Galio
  • Draven Draven
  • Fuzz Fizz
  • Infernal Galio
  • Surprise Party Amumu
  • Glorious Jinx
  • Hexplorer Jax
  • Academy Ahri
  • iBlitzcrank
  • Marauder Olaf

All skins will be released throughout the patch. Future 2.2 skins will be released in subsequent patches.


You can earn or purchase goodies from a bunch of different sources. Please check the page in game for more information on how to get ‘em!

Icons: Charming Poro; Rebel Poro; Trickster Poro; Hextech Jaximus; Jax Unleashed

Emotes: The Slow Clap; Much Rage; Just Peachy; OHMAIGOSH; Forgotten Birthday; Super Shisa; Choncc Chortle; Retreat!

Icon Borders: Hexplorer Passage

Recalls: Recall Port

Baubles: Whoopsie; Trusty Shovel; Bright Idea

Rift Emblems: Hexplorer History; High Tech Hexplorer; The Great Demacia; Noxian Power 

All goodies will be released throughout the patch.



Wild Rift Journey starts when you complete the event for new players, Wild Rift Academy. Complete the Journey to earn content that will prepare you for games ahead!


We want to welcome all the players in the Americas officially into the Open Beta! We know you’ve been patiently waiting, and we’re thrilled to finally launch Wild Rift in your region.

To get you up to speed, we’re introducing a new event called Wild Welcome. During this time, you’ll earn champions and other content faster to help get you started. Read more about Wild Welcome here.



This cow’s too beefy.

Base Stats

  • Health: 650 → 610

(1) Pulverize

  • Knock-up radius: 300 → 275
  • Damage: 60/120/180/240 → 60/110/160/210


Amumu’s tiptoeing over the line for our win rate tolerance, so we’re chipping away at a few of his core stats.

Base Stats

  • Armor: 40 → 35
  • Health per level: 105/level → 95/level

(2) Despair

  • Damage AP Ratio: 1% per 100 AP → 0.75% per 100 AP

(Ult) Curse of the Sad Mummy

  • Cooldown: 100/85/70s → 110/95/80s


Cleaning up Corki’s kit by removing an unintuitive mechanic where Corki automatically converted physical vamp to magic vamp when auto attacking.

(Passive) Hextech Munitions

  • Corki's attacks will no longer convert physical vamp into magic vamp and will instead behave as normal.


“Sometimes, it takes tactical genius to break a fortress. Sometimes, you just have to hit it harder.”

(Ult) Noxian Guillotine

  • Darius is now unstoppable during the cast time.



Mundo’s jungle presence is creeping into OP territory.

(1) Infected Cleaver

  • Max damage vs monsters: 320/380/440/500 → 290/360/430/500

(3) Masochism

  • Cooldown: 6/5/4/3s → 6/5.5/5/4.5s


    Tuning down some of Jhin’s PvE power to keep him from lane bullying through tempo as opposed to finding good trades with his champ opponents.

    (3) Captive Audience

    • Now deals 65% damage to non-champions


    Despite systemic nerfs, we’re taking another swing at Orianna’s lane bullying in order to stem the inevitable robot midlane uprising.

    Base Stats

    • Health: 570 → 530

    (1) Command: Attack

    • Cooldown: 6/5/4/3s → 7.5/6/4.5/3s
    • AP ratio: 0.5 → 0.4
    • Base damage: 60/100/140/180 → 50/90/130/170

    (3) Command: Protect

    • Base damage: 60/100/140/180 → 50/90/130/170


    Bringing the Aspect of War back in line with his League PC counterpart.

    (1) Comet Spear

    • Mortal Will (enhanced) (1) no longer slows

    (2) Shield Vault

    • [BUGFIX] Now correctly resets attacks and empowered attacks cannot be interrupted

    (3) Aegis Assault

    • No longer blocks turret damage
    • Mortal Will (enhanced) (3) no longer has an extended duration
    • Mortal Will (enhanced) (3) now gains 60% movement speed for 1.5s when slamming shield

    (Ult) Grand Starfall

    • The spear that lands before Pantheon now slows by 50% for 2s and deals Comet Spear’s damage in a small area


    Teemo is in a pretty healthy spot in high level play, but overperforming at lower ranks. Reducing his snap escape potential, which we think is relied on more by players who need to use it to recover from being out of position.

    (3) Guerrilla Warfare

    • Camouflage channel time: 0.8s → 1s



    We’re rolling out a big round of item updates, aimed primarily at tanks, to help flesh out the item roster and more closely match the icons to those on League PC. For more context on these updates, check out the Patch 2.2 Item Preview.


    Force of Nature will be replacing Adaptive Helm as the go-to Magic Resist item for when those pesky mages won’t leave you alone.

    • Health: 350 HP
    • Magic Resist: 45
    • Total cost: 2850g
      • Spectre’s Cowl (1100g) + Winged Moonplate (900g) + 950g
    • Passive - Storm: +5% movement speed
    • Passive - Absorb: Taking ability damage grants you 6 bonus movement speed and 6 bonus Magic Resist for 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times, for a maximum of 30 bonus movement speed and 30 bonus Magic Resist. Each unique ability gives 1 stack.


    Use Frozen Heart’s aura to reduce nearby enemies’ Attack Speed and defend your team.

    • Armor: 70
    • Mana: 300
    • Ability Haste: 20
    • Total Cost: 2850g
      • Warden’s Mail (1050g) + Glacial Shroud (1000g) + 800g
    • Passive - Winter’s Caress: Reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemies by 15%


    Winged Moonplate is the new component item for Dead Man’s Plate. Tank players, it’s time to engage.

    • Health: 150 HP
    • Passive - Flight: +5% movement speed
    • Total cost: 900g
      • Ruby Crystal (500g) + 400g



    Sapphire Crystal is now the go-to for heavy mana users; it’s inheriting the Mana Charge passive so you can start stacking up your Tear of the Goddess earlier.

    • Mana: 300 → 100
    • [NEW] Ability Haste: 5
    • [NEW] Passive - Mana Charge: Grants 5 maximum Mana per ability cast, up to 250. Triggers up to 3 times every 12 seconds.
    • Cost: 500g (unchanged)


    • [NEW] Ability Haste: 10
    • Passive - Mana Charge: Mana per charge: 8 → 7
    • [NEW] Passive - Mana Charge: Mana gained from Sapphire Crystal’s Mana Charge carries over into Tear of the Goddess, so Tear can start with up to 250 Mana already stacked.


    Winter’s Approach and Fimbulwinter are being reworked to become the Health/Mana/Ability Haste item. CC machines, start your engines!

    • [NEW] Health: 350
    • [REMOVED] Armor: 40
    • Mana: 450 → 500 (due to Sapphire Crystal max of 350)
    • Ability Haste: 10
    • Total Cost: 2600g
      • Tear of the Goddess (900g) + Giant’s Belt (1000g) + 700g
    • [NEW] Passive - Awe: Grants Ability Haste equal to 1% maximum mana. Refunds 15% of mana spent.
    • [NEW] Passive - Mana Charge: Increases max Mana by 8 every attack, when Mana is spent or when taking damage from champions, epic monsters, or towers. Caps at 700 bonus Mana, transforming Winter’s Approach into Fimbulwinter. Triggers up to 3 times every 12 seconds. You may only carry one Tear of the Goddess item at a time.


    • [NEW] Health: 350
    • [REMOVED] Armor: 40
    • Mana: 1150 → 1200 (due to Sapphire Crystal max of 350)
    • Ability Haste: 10
    • Total Cost: 2600g
      • Tear of the Goddess (900g) + Giant’s Belt (1000g) + 700g
    • [NEW] Passive - Awe: Grants Ability Haste equal to 1% maximum mana. Refunds 15% of mana spent.
    • [NEW] Passive - Frozen Colossus: Immobilizing an enemy champion consumes Mana and grants a shield for 3 seconds, absorbing 150 (+ 5% current max mana) for every nearby enemy champion. This effect only activates while you have greater than 20% maximum mana. (15 second cooldown)


    • Ability Haste: 10 → 20 (due to Tear gaining 10)


    We want to make Sheen a more viable purchase for non-mana users. This change also impacts the build paths for Lich Bane, Trinity Force, and Iceborn Gauntlet.

    • [REMOVED] Mana: 300
    • Cost: 1100g → 900g
      • No longer builds out of Sapphire Crystal


    • [REMOVED] Mana: 300
    • Total Cost: 3050g → 2950g
      • Now builds from Sheen (900g) + Aether Wisp (950g) + 1100g


    • [REMOVED] Mana: 300
    • Total Cost: 3733g → 3533g
      • Now builds from Sheen (900g) + Stinger (1200g) + Phage (1100g) + 333g


    • [REMOVED] Mana: 300
    • Total Cost: 2700g (unchanged)
      • Combine Cost: 600g → 800g (due to Sheen changes)
      • Builds from Sheen (900g) + Glacial Shroud (1000g) + 800g


    As above, with a new build path, Dead Man’s Plate is the go-to tank item for speedy engagements.

    • [NEW] Passive - Relentless: +5% movement speed
    • Total Cost: 2900g (unchanged)
      • Now builds from Winged Moonplate (900g) + Chain Vest (1000g) + 1000g


    We felt applying Grevious Wounds was too far out of the tank’s control after having purchased Thornmail, so this should give more ways to apply the debuff when they need it most.

    • [ADJUSTED] Passive - Thorns: Upon being hit by a basic attack on-hit, reflects 25 (+ 10% bonus Armor) magic damage, while also inflicting Grievous Wounds on the attacker for 3 seconds. Immobilizing enemy champions also inflicts them with Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.


    Like a beautiful butterfly, Sunfire Cape is evolving into Sunfire Aegis. There are a few notable differences between the PC and Wild Rift versions though. Wild Rift’s version isn’t a mythic item and thus doesn’t have a mythic passive. It also loses out on a lot of tank stats as this version only has Health and Ability Haste. Sunfire Aegis is your go-to tank item if you want a bit of extra damage.

    • Health: 400 HP → 500 HP
    • [REMOVED] Armor: 40
    • [NEW] Ability Haste: 15
    • Total Cost: 3000g
      • Bami’s Cinder (1100g) + Kindlegem (1000g) + 900g
    • [ADJUSTED] Passive - Immolate: Deals 16-30 magic damage +1% bonus HP per second to nearby enemies. Damaging champions or epic monsters with Immolate increases its damage by 8% for 5s, stacking up to 6 times. Immolate deals 50% bonus damage to minions and monsters.
    • Passive - Flame Touch: At max Immolate Stacks, attacks burn enemies around you for Immolate's damage over 3 seconds. Immolate deals 150% damage to minions and monsters.


    • Combine cost: 350g → 650g
    • Total cost: 2650g → 2950g


    • Armor: 50 → 55


    • Health: 650 HP → 700 HP


    Adaptive Helm wasn’t hitting the mark, and its ideal use case wasn’t always clear, so we’re replacing it with Force of Nature.



    We’re changing the way champions play with higher attack speed. Previously, champs who stack a bunch of attack speed items have less attack frame reduction, which makes kiting and chasing a bit too reliable. We expect marksmen to feel the highest impact here, so we’ll be monitoring this adjustment closely.

    • Attack Speed's effect ratio on attacks' windup time: 100% → 50%
      • Windup time = base windup time / (1 + attack speed) → base windup time / (1 + attack speed × 50%)



    Ghost has seen little use, so we’re adjusting it to be similar to League PC’s version. Getting a takedown (kill or assist) refreshes its effect, a bit like Jinx’s Get Excited!

    • Duration: 6s → 8s
    • Burst top speed reduced
    • Burst duration: 2s → 3s
    • On takedown, the buff’s duration is increased by 6 seconds, and the speed burst is reapplied.


    Scaling back Ignite’s cast range so that killing people with it requires a bit more forethought, and opponents feel like they actually had a chance to do something before catching fire.

    • Cast range: 7 → 5.5



    • Added 3 new pings for easier team coordination. Ping “Enemy has vision here” to warn about wards; ping “Group” to rally the team; or ping “Enemy missing” for when your lane opponent might be heading for a gank (and that is all it’s for—we changed the icon. RIP question mark. Long live Helmet Bro.)
    • You’ll soon occasionally receive emails if a player you reported was penalized for their in-game behavior. We’re looking to create an in-game solution for this in the coming patches.
    • You can now equip the same emote in multiple autofire slots, because there’s never a bad time to spam the galaxy brain poro.


    • Game invites
      • Invite notifications are no longer a giant full-screen takeover; they’re now a smaller, friendlier notification that won’t block your interactions with the client. You can accept, reject, or simply swipe right to hide this game invite.
      • Improved the visuals for when you invite friends who are already in game.
    • Social sharing
      • You can now share your achievements and Wild Pass rewards to Facebook, or by downloading the image directly.
    • End-of-game screen
      • If you stay for a while in the end-of-game screen, and your friends are ready to go again, the game will give you a friendly nudge to continue.
      • Added an indicator in the end-of-game screen to indicate which players were marked as AFK (or AF… Phone?)



    • Added new graphics presets: Performance, Graphics, and Custom.
      • Performance: Optimizing for in-game performance, balancing FPS and stability for smoothness ingame, at the expense of graphics. This mode does not guarantee maximum FPS, because depending on your phone, you may experience FPS spikes that feel like in-game latency.
      • Graphics: Optimizing for graphic quality, balancing graphic quality and stability for higher-quality visuals, at the expense of FPS. Good for content creation!
    • Added new FPS options: 40, 90 and 120:
      • 40fps: Many players have asked to get more FPS out of their devices but find 60fps too unstable, so we’re adding a middle-ground for those that have hardware to support.
      • 90fps: For players with high end devices with higher refresh rates that want to have an even smoother in-game experience.
      • 120fps (beta): Currently only available on specific device models. Comes at the risk of overheating or performance degradation, so please use carefully!
      • 120Hz mode is available on Samsung Galaxy S21 Range; Samsung Galaxy S20 Range; Samsung Galaxy Note 20; Samsung Tab S7 Range; OPPO Find X2; OnePlus 9 & OnePlus 9 Pro; OnePlus 8 & OnePlus 8 Pro; iPad Pro Range; Google Pixel 5; ASUS ROG Phone 2; Razer Phone 2.


    • You can now tune your ability button dead zones. Basically, you have to drag out beyond the deadzone in order to activate the ability. The bigger the dead zone, the harder it is to accidentally drag the ability button when aiming.


    Due to how we constrain the center of the move stick, it is possible to input a move direction that is opposite to your initial drag direction when you first touch the screen. We think this is frustrating for less experienced players so we are reducing the likelihood of this happening by allowing the center of the move stick to be closer to the edge of the screen.

    • Can now be centered closer to the edge of the screen on first touch similar to “Move Stick Type - Follow”


    • We’re changing up the first-login flow to get players into Wild Rift’s action faster, downloading a smaller chunk of the game while patching the rest in the background. Players will load straight into the first tutorial before login, and after completing the tutorial, there’s a small interactive experience to learn about some featured champs.
      • This will show up for all players after Patch 2.2, so feel free to skip the tutorial if you already know your stuff.
    • New players will no longer immediately enter the standard free-to-play champ rotation when they finish the tutorials. They will instead have a designated champion pool, aimed at giving them a taste of different roles, playstyles, and champ fantasies.
      • The champs are: Braum, Ezreal, Fiora, Graves, Lux, Malphite, Miss Fortune, Sona, Xin Zhao and Zed
      • The day after players hit level 7, they’ll rejoin the standard F2P champion pool. We wanted to make sure we waited to “graduate” players into this bucket to lower the risk of having back-to-back games with totally different champs.
    • We added more info to the tutorials to better teach how turrets work.


    • Raised the in-game camera height on some tablet devices.
    • Added map visuals to better indicate when Blue Sentinel, Red Brambleback, or Rift Scuttler are about to spawn: a grey map icon switches to a yellow icon when their respawn is imminent.
    • Added visuals to help indicate lane assignments more clearly in game.
    • Improved visuals for tower aggro: danger zones now have more solid coloring so new players clearly know when they have drawn tower aggro.
    • Added an option to hide in-game names entirely or change them to champion names.
    • Malphite’s 3D model background in the collection page is now based in Ixtal.
    • Events with temporary personalization content (like spawn effects and Homeguard trails) will now show in the Events panel under an Equip menu.
    • Continued to address performance and latency issues.
    • Champ select filters now let you pick by position (solo lane, jungle, etc.)
    • If refunding content through the App Store/Google Play Store would put your Wild Rift account in the negative, you will be temporarily suspended as a precaution. Reach out to Player Support to regain access.


    Apr 1 - Apr 7: Diana, Ezreal, Gragas, Leona, Lulu, Miss Fortune, Olaf, Orianna, Pantheon, Tryndamere

    Apr 8 - Apr 14: Ahri, Amumu, Darius, Kennen, Lee Sin, Nami, Sona, Tristana, Vayne, Yasuo