Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.2b

Welcome to the last balance patch of the Playhem patch! We’re making some more adjustments to marksmen and a few other champions to balance out the meta and groovin’ to the beat with the arrival of Space Groove skins!

Welcome to the last balance patch of the Playhem patch! We’re making some more adjustments to marksmen and a few other champions to balance out the meta. We’re also ending this patch in style and groovin’ to that funky beat with the arrival of our Space Groove skins!

We think next time we’ll be a joyful meetup, so we’ll see you back here for Patch 4.3 Notes!

Reminder: content will be released throughout the patch.



Aatrox struggled to find his footing last patch and his blade is not cutting as deep as expected. We want to make sure that when the Darkin Blade is unleashed in all its grand and terrifying glory, that it strikes a deeper chord of dread in the hearts of foes, so we’re making an adjustment to its damage.


  • Attack Damage bonus: 20/30/40% → 30/40/50%


Our favorite frosty marksman has been frostbitten and stuck as a Baron Laner or support. So we’re honing her arrows and making some adjustments to her so that she can better fulfill her role as the chilling harbinger of damage in the Dragon Lane.

Frost Shot

  • Non-critical slow: 20/22.5/25/27.5/30% → 15/17.5/20/22.5/25%


  • Cooldown: 15/12/9/6s → 16/13.5/11/8.5s
  • Attack Damage bonus: 100% → 115%

Enchanted Crystal Arrow

  • Cooldown: 60/55/50s → 70/60/50s
  • Ability Power bonus: 100% → 40%


We’re boosting Camille's jungle clearing pace in the early stages of the game, to allow her more time to overshadow her laning opponents.

Tactical Sweep

  • Damage ratio to monsters: 50% → 80%


Draven's early-game damage was over the top, even outshining some of our fighters. We’re adjusting his Attack Damage while still ensuring that his axes keep their edge in team fights.


  • Attack Damage: 70 → 66
  • Attack Damage per level: 4 → 4.5


We’re sharpening Fiora, the Grand Duelist’s fencing finesse, so that she can display speedier swordplay in the duels she takes versus her foes.


  • Cooldown: 14/12/10/8s → 12/10/8/6s
  • Cooldown return on skill hit: 60% → 50%


Lately Fizz's performance in the Mid Lane has been fishy, and he needs a surge in his Ability Power. However, we don't want this buff to make Fizz a go-to pick in the jungle, so we’re slightly reducing his damage to monsters.


  • Damage ratio to monsters: 120% → 105%

Playful / Trickster

  • Ability Power bonus: 70% → 80%


We’re doing a mini-rework to The Lady of Luminosity! These changes will go live July 6 PST, and while we’re still tweaking some of the numbers, we wanted to give you a high-level summary, before her update goes live! We’ll include all the number changes in our next set of Patch Notes.


  • Previously Lux’s passive only allowed her to proc it on auto attacks, so we’re updating it so that Light Binding and Lucent Singularity will now also consume the passive mark and refresh it.

Light Binding

  • Light Binding can now move through minions. You’ll still deal damage to any minions you hit, it will just no longer bind them. Instead you will now snare the first two enemy champions hit.

Lucent Singularity

  • Currently, Lux’s Lucent Singularity has two casts, the first when you throw it out, and the second whenever you decide to detonate it. We’re keeping the first cast the same, but changing the second. Now whenever any enemy stays or moves in the Lucent Singularity, it will automatically detonate.


In early-game jungle confrontations, this fawn is too fragile and can’t take the fights other junglers can. So, we’re bolstering her brawling ability and making her a more formidable opponent when engaging with enemy champions in the jungle.


  • Attack Damage: 58 → 62
  • Armor: 31 → 34

Nunu & Willump

We’ve missed seeing our favorite Yeti roaming through the jungle, and we think it's time we give Nunu and Willump a slight push to get them out of their icy hideaway and back onto the Rift where they can school enemies on the true might of a well-thrown snowball.


  • Base damage per snowball: 8/12/16/20 → 10/14/18/22


  • Cooldown: 75/70/65s → 70/65/60s


Ever since Olaf's rework, he's been swinging his axes with Freljordian power, and while there is a lot of power behind those swings, it’s still hard to master. We’re slightly reducing his damage but making it easier for him to pursue enemies with his ultimate.

Berserker Rage

  • Shield gained: 30~120 + 17% missing health → 35~140 + 13% missing health


  • Initial duration: 3s → 4s
  • Active attack boost: 10/20/30 + 25% Attack Damage → 5/15/25 + 20% Attack Damage


Rammus is rolling too fast across the map, making his early-game ganks too efficient. We’re reducing his ganking power, but still keeping his identity as a physical damage nemesis.


  • Movement speed increased during powerball: 96~180 → 60~150


  • Base damage: 110/140/170/200 → 80/110/140/170


Since arriving on the Rift, the Noxian Grand General has shown how strong in multiple lanes. We’re nerfing Swain's damage and survivability so that other champions don’t feel so helpless when they're up against this general and his ravens.


  • Armor per level: 5.5 → 5

Death's Hand

  • Damage of each bolt after the first one: 15/25/35/45 + 8% Ability Power → 10/20/30/40 + 5% Ability Power

Demonic Ascension

  • Heal per second: 15/27.5/40 + 15% Ability Power → 15/25/35 + 12% Ability Power


We want to bring marksmen back in-line after our bigger adjustments in previous patches, which have left some stronger than others. So, we’re amplifying Tristana's traits as a scaling marksman, but we’re also making her an easier target if she’s left to lane alone.


  • Health: 610 → 570


  • Attack speed bonus: 50/70/90/110% → 50/75/100/125%


  • Cooldown: 20/18/16/14s → 22/19/16/13s


Vayne loves to daringly dance on the edge of fights, so we’re fine-tuning her skills to resonate with that high-risk, high-reward heroic gameplay she likes to lean on. In the earlier stages of the game, she should be honing her hunting skills and relying on her support, rather than venturing out alone.


  • Health: 570 → 540
  • Armor: 35 → 31


  • Attack Damage bonus: 50% → 55%


We wanted to lend Ziggs a hand so that he could pack more of a punch, especially when he’s on the defense, so we’re giving him some more damage across the board.

Short Fuse

  • Base damage: 20~160 → 30~170

Satchel Charge

  • Cooldown: 21/18/15/12s → 18/16/14/12s

Hexplosive Minefield

  • Movement speed reduction duration: 1.5s → 2s




We’ve seen fighters struggling during this update, so we’re slightly increasing the sustainability of Death’s Dance to give a leg-up to those bold enough to wield it. And provide them with more opportunities to shine in the battle.

  • Dance restore based on maximum health: 10% → 12%


We want to make sure that Hullbreaker is a tactical choice for when you want to solo push a lane in your game, so we’re dialing down some of its early-game dueling potency. Rest assured though, if you pick up Hullbreaker you’ll still pack a powerful push when left unchallenged on the Rift.


  • Armor bonus for melee champions: 10~50 → 4~50
  • Magic resistance bonus for melee champions: 10~50 → 4~20
  • Armor bonus for ranged champions: 5~25 → 2~25
  • Magic resistance bonus for ranged champions: 5~25 → 2~10
  • Armor bonus for large minions near melee wielders: 50~170 → 40~170
  • Magic resistance bonus for large minions near melee wielders: 50~170 → 20~85
  • Armor bonus for large minions near ranged wielders: 25~85 → 20~80
  • Magic resistance bonus for large minions near ranged wielders: 25~85 → 10~40


Randuin’s Omen is a defensive item that's dedicated to reducing critical damage. We want to further amplify some of its unique strengths and increase its price.

  • Upgrade cost: 750g → 850g
    • Total cost: 2800g → 2900g
  • Stats: 55 Armor → 60 Armor
  • Determination gained from melee damage: 16% → 20%
  • Determination gained from ranged damage: 10% → 14%


In the current meta, a lot of items and skills have shielding effects. So, we’re improving the cost-effectiveness of Serpent’s Fang so that it's a more favorable pick up in the earlier stages of the game and your builds!

  • Stab armor penetration: 12 → 15


Youmuu’s Ghostblade is the starting item for a lot of champions, but it currently falls short when compared to some of the other items in the shop. We’re buffing up its stats to give it a competitive edge, while ensuring players can still pick it up before the first team fight.

  • Upgrade cost: 700g → 800g
    • Total cost: 2900g → 3000g
  • Stats: 50 Attack Damage → 55 Attack Damage



Space Groove Lulu

Releasing July 08 @ 00:01 UTC


Space Groove Nunu & Willump

Releasing July 08 @ 00:01 UTC


Space Groove Nasus

Releasing July 08 @ 00:01 UTC


Space Groove Blitzcrank

Releasing July 08 @ 00:01 UTC


Jun 29 - July 05: Aatrox, Brand, Evelynn, Jhin, Nautilus, Riven, Shyvana, Twitch, Yone, Yuumi

July 06 - July 13 : Amumu, Darius, Dr. Mundo, Lee Sin, Lulu, Nami, Vayne, Veigar, Zed, Zeri

Jul 13 - Jul 20 : Akali, Ekko, Galio, Kai’Sa, Kha’Zix, Ornn, Sona, Thresh, Varus, Volibear