Wild Rift Patch Notes 2.6a

The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is… being brought down in the form of fiery justice infused swords from our latest addition to Wild Rift, Kayle. We’ve checked our lists and are bringing nerfs and updates across the Rift! Here’s Patch 2.6a!

The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is… well, being brought down in the form of fiery justice infused swords from our latest addition to Wild Rift, Kayle. Since her addition she has been taking over the Rift in a rather divine fashion, but she’s not the only one. We’ve been checking our list, and quite a few champions are in need of some nerfs. We don’t want to be a total downer though, so we enlisted some poros to help us bring some flufftastic rewards. If winter isn’t your thing, the cybernetic world of PROJECT will also be making its appearance.

This patch is longer than usual, but it will be our last one of 2021. Thank you for reading and laughing at all our puns this year. You could say it’s quite the pun-dertaking to write them but don’t worry, we’ll be back in January with more updates. Until then, we’ll see you on the Rift!

Reminder: content will be released throughout the patch.




Releasing December 22 @ 00:01 UTC:

  • Bad Santa Veigar
  • Santa Braum
  • Winter Wonder Lulu

Releasing December 29 @ 00:01 UTC:

  • PROJECT: Akali
  • PROJECT: Fiora
  • PROJECT: Jhin
  • PROJECT: Katarina
  • PROJECT: Vayne (Legendary)

Releasing January 6 @ 00:01 UTC:

  • Blood Moon Thresh
  • Dunkmaster Darius (Legendary)
  • Steel Legion Lux


You can earn or purchase accessories from a bunch of different sources. Please check the relevant page in game for more information on how to get ‘em!



Baubles: Chilly Penguin; Cyblade; No Signs of Life 

Icons: Augmented Reality 

Emotes: Galaxy Brain; I Didn’t Mean To!; Unimpressed; Nothing Personal; We Had A Plan!; Cheers!; Mwaha-... uh, Ho Ho Ho; Ya Did Good; Sucker! 

Icon Border: Reality Disruptor 

Recalls: Reboot Program; Upgraded Download Speed; Wintry Mix 

Loading Screen Borders: PROJECT: Akali; PROJECT: Jhin; PROJECT: Katarina; PROJECT: Vayne; PROJECT: Fiora 

All accessories will be released throughout the patch.




Have you ever wanted to hang with a poro? If so, now's your chance! Grab some Poro-Snax and get ready for some flufftastic rewards! 

The New Year’s Fluft event begins December 25 at 00:01 UTC



Well…*whispers* thanks for keeping the hack between us. Since it was kept under wraps, we were able to bring PROJECT and all sorts of surprises along with it! 

The PROJECT event begins December 29 at 00:01 UTC



You’ve been in the cybernetic world for a few days, and now it’s time for an upgrade. 

The PROJECT Boost event begins January 5 at 00:01 UTC



Akshan players have a good grapple on his playstyle. He’s also been able to swing into multiple lanes, because of his fast waveclear and mid-game roams. We’re pulling some power out of his early game and mid-game spikes, so it makes it a bit more difficult for him to swing to victory.


  • Base attack: 58 → 52


  • Base damage: 5/35/65/95 → 5/30/55/80


We were a bit too cautious with our previous Amumu changes, we didn’t want to overwhelm him with too many new friends! We’re giving back some of the stats we previously removed and giving his Bandage Toss a bit of a boost to help this mummy find his place and friends on the Rift.


  • Base health: 570 → 650
  • Base armor: 30 → 35

Bandage Toss

  • Recharge Time: 17/16/15/14s → 14/13.5/13/12.5s
  • Base Damage: 60/95/130/165 → 70/105/140/175


Camille players that master her precision can dominate the laning phase and take over a game with her roaming and scaling. We’re cutting down on the frequency of her passive, so she has to be even more precise and decisive with her trading in lane.


  • Health per level: 105 → 115

Adaptive Defenses

  • Cooldown: 10s → 18/16/14/12s at levels 1/5/9/13


Fiora just wants a worthy opponent, but recently she hasn’t been giving her opponents enough opportunities for a fair duel. We’re increasing the cooldown of Riposte to give those who want to challenge her to a duel more chances to play around her vulnerabilities.


  • Cooldown: 13/12/11/10s → 18/16/14/12s


Fizz loves tripping up his opponents with his slippery tricks. However, his high mobility and powerful burst damage has come across more frustrating than playful recently. To reduce the frustration around Fizz’s play pattern, we’re pulling back on how frequently he can all-in, kill a target, and slip away unscathed.

Chum the Waters

  • Cooldown: 80/65/50s → 90/75/60s


Jarvan is a flex pick that has strong consistent harass in the Baron Lane, and powerful ganks from the jungle. He’s been flying under the radar as a strong pick for a while, but as players have started to pick up more frequently and optimize his builds he’s risen to be too powerful, so we’re taking away some of that lane poking power as well as some of his jungle clear speed.


  • Base AD: 64 → 58

Dragon Strike

  • Base damage: 90/150/210/270 → 80/140/200/260


The Daughter of the Void has been vulnerable in lane since the changes we made to Icathian Rain in a previous patch. We’re giving some buffs to her scaling to compensate for her vulnerable early game and to help her take down enemies later on.


  • Bonus AD ratio: 35% → 40%


  • Bonus attack speed: 45/50/55/60% → 45/55/65/75%


Kayle is a late game carry, but she’s been too strong in the early game. She’s also been scaling slightly too well, so we are cutting back on just how hard she can serve her justice.


  • Base attack: 58 → 52
  • Attack speed per level: 270 → 220
  • Armor per level: 3.9 → 3.5


  • Base damage: 200/350/500 → 150/275/400


Lee Sin is a popular champion, who is strong in higher level games but could use a little bit of help in lower level games. We’re cautiously giving him some slight buffs that should help him in lower level games, but shouldn’t impact him in higher level play. He is getting a bit more health regeneration to help with his jungle clears and giving his ultimate a bit more damage. We hope these changes allow for Lee Sin to be seen at all levels of play.


  • Base health regeneration: 9 per 5s → 10.5 per 5s

Dragon's Rage

  • Base damage: 150/375/600 → 175/400/625


This Freljordian berserker has been underperforming for quite some time now, so we’re giving a boost to his damage and chasing potential.


  • AD per level: 3.6 → 4.55


  • Slow ratio: 20/25/30/35% → 25/30/35/40%


Renekton is an unstoppable force in the Baron Lane, dominating in the early game and transitioning into a mid game menace with relative ease. We’re slightly reducing his scaling power and taking away from the uptime on his stun to make him work a bit harder to slice and dice through his opponents.


  • Attack damage growth: 5.5 → 4.55


  • Cooldown: 12/11/10/9 → 13/12/11/10


Senna has been excelling in both ranked play and pro play through the use of her attacks rather than her utility. We’re taking away some of her range scaling to lower her ability to deal damage without her opponents being able to respond, and in return giving Senna a small buff to give her allies some more protection.


  • Additional attack range per 20 soul: 25 → 15


  • Shield Amount: 3 shield health per soul → 4 shield health per soul


Previously, we cut down Twisted Fate for his powerful cross-map plays and reliable scaling, particularly in the hands of skilled players. However, we went overboard with these changes, so we’ll be dealing the cardmaster a new hand with some better cards.


  • Health per level: 105 → 115

Pick a Card

  • Cooldown: 8/7.5/7/6.5s → 7/6.5/6/5.5s


Dec 16 - Dec 22: Brand, Corki, Draven, Fiora, Jarvan IV, Kayle, Leona, Morgana, Orianna, Rammus, 

Dec 23 - Dec 29: Akshan, Alistar, Amumu, Fizz, Galio, Miss Fortune, Nunu & Willump, Riven, Soraka, Tryndamere

Dec 30 - Jan 5: Akali, Caitlyn, Camille, Graves, Jhin, Lulu, Malphite, Rakan, Rengar, Twisted Fate

Jan 6 - Jan 15: Ezreal, Gragas, Kai’Sa, Katarina, Kha’Zix, Singed, Sona, Teemo, Thresh, Yasuo