New Content in Patch 3.3

You’re going to want to keep a close eye on the stars as Patch 3.3 is right around the corner! Did you miss our latest Patch Preview or just want a refresh before the Patch Notes? We’ve got you covered!

We’ve just received a report from some of the top astronomers and you’re going to want to keep an eye on the stars in this patch, as something bright will be shining soon. But, there's much more than shining stars waiting for you in this patch. If you missed our Patch Preview, we’ve got covered with a recap of all the big announcements.

We’ll see you back here in a few days when the Patch Notes for 3.3 drop, which will have more details along with dates and times of their release, and of course balance changes.








Dive into the void and rise once again to slay your enemies with some extra style. Kassadin, Sion, and Samira will be joining the Rift and bringing unique play styles with them, throughout our Shining Bright update!



This patch Elemental Rift will be here to stay as it makes its official launch and takes over the Rift. We’ve enjoyed hearing all your feedback during our tests and are so excited to share the final version with you all. You can read more about Elemental Rift’s launch from some of the designers who worked on it in our Elemental Rift Overview post!




We want to make sure that every champion feels good to play and relevant to pick, no matter when they are released. So we’ll have some small champion updates to Teemo and Ahri that we’ll be sharing in the upcoming Patch Notes. We’ll also be looking to continue to make these small updates as the year progresses. In addition to our champion updates, we will also be updating the cooldowns of ultimates across the board at the start of Patch 3.3


We’re adding in two new enchantments this patch, and some updates to some of the current options!

The first is, Repulsor Enchant and it will knock back enemies in a small area around you. It’s a great pick up if you’re looking for some self-peel or looking to initiate and split up the enemy team once you go in.


Magnetron Enchant, is perfect for those supports who want to dive in and lend a hand to their carry. When activated, you’ll dash to your ally and taunt a nearby enemy. But this isn’t just for those defensive plays, you can even use this to dash to your Malphite and follow up on their engage!

We’ll be updating Quicksilver Enchant this patch and it will now grant a brief window of immunity to crowd control, plus a bit of tenacity and slow resistance. Gargoyle Enchant will also be receiving an update, and will now grant you a shield that decays over time rather than boosting your maximum health.

With the addition of our new enchants, we will also be removing Shadows Enchant this patch. This upgrade has only been picked up in super niche situations, so these spooky ghosts will be disappearing.

You’ll be able to learn more about these new actives and how they’ll impact your gameplay this patch in an upcoming /dev with one of the designers who worked on them, so keep an eye out!


Earlier this year we mentioned that we would have a major update coming to the Ranked experience and this patch we’ll be introducing Legendary Ranked. This will be a solo-only, point-base queue available to players who are Diamond and above. Along with this update, we’ll be making some adjustments to our current Ranked queue.


We know this is a big update, so make sure to check out our most recent /dev discussing what you can expect to see out of this new queue!



New ranked season of course means a new reward for you to earn on your climb. Glorious Crimson Fiora is up for the challenge, are you?



Gracing us from the cosmos and making her debut in this Wild Pass is Stargazer Karma!


Swear the oath to the First Star and enter the Star Guardian event, which is full of magic, hope, and galaxy-saving friendship. As you play games, you’ll earn Star Candies and collect unique rewards… and who knows what else you’ll encounter during your journey.

We’ll also have the Redeemed Star Guardian event pass, with missions to complete for event tokens. You can grab some extra tokens directly from the store. And you’ll be able to trade in the tokens for all sorts of goodies, including Redeemed Xayah and Rakan.

Guardians will be coming together across some of our other Runeterran games, and we’re excited for you to go on this journey. What are you most excited for? Personally we can’t wait to see all our favorite familiar friends again, like Riku, what a cutie.



We’re making a big splash this patch, so grab your sunnies and sit by the pool or look towards the night sky to see what's shining bright.

Star Guardian

  • Star Guardian Ahri
  • Star Guardian Miss Fortune
  • Star Guardian Orianna*
  • Star Guardian Rakan
  • Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan*
  • Star Guardian Senna*
  • Star Guardian Seraphine*
  • Star Guardian Xayah
  • Redeemed Star Guardian Xayah*

Pool Party

  • Pool Party Caitlyn
  • Pool Party Graves
  • Pool Party Mundo
  • Pool Party Ziggs


  • PsyOps Kayle
  • PsyOps Master Yi
  • PsyOps Samira
  • PsyOps Zed

Warring Kingdoms

  • Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
  • Warring Kingdoms Katarina


  • God Fist Lee Sin
  • Dragon Trainer Tristana
  • Beekeper Singed
  • Harbinger Kassadin
  • Lunar Goddess Diana
  • Warmonger Sion

*Wild Rift exclusive