Wild Rift News August 2023
Welcome to Wild Rift News August!
We hope you’ve been enjoying whipping your foes into shape with Nilah, and also experimenting with new builds with all the new runes and boots! We also hope you enjoyed participating in the Tournament of Souls! While the tournament is now over, we still have lots more to come throughout the Fighting Spirit patch so let's jump in and see what’s coming in August!
Annie’s rework will be live for you to play later today! We’re excited for you to try her out, but before you do, we wanted to share some insights from our dev team.
Annie is a classic champion—in fact she was one of the first added to League of Legends when it launched! Her beary ferocious bear, Tibbers, is always by her side and an iconic part of her kit. However, after keeping a close eye on her performance since her release on Wild Rift, we felt there was some room for us to make improvements to her kit. We want to make sure that all champions feel great to play on your phone, so we’re making some adjustments to help her feel even better to play on mobile! We’re also taking a look at her iconic bear, Tibbers and leveling him up so that they have even more impact on the Rift! Here's a quick overview of the abilities we’ve made changes to!
(3) Molten Shield
- Annie will provide herself and Tibbers with a damage-absorbing shield that will also grant them bonus movement speed.
(4) Summon: Tibbers
- We’re giving Annie’s ultimate a new effect. When you recast her ultimate it will now command Tibbers to pounce on its target, dealing magic damage and knocking them up.
- Tibbers will also now gain additional movement speed and attack speed when summoned, after pouncing on enemies, and when Annie dies.
- We’ve also given her Ultimate a new icon! Whenever you recast her Ultimate to have Tibbers pounce on your foes, this new icon will appear!

We’ll also be bringing in some new items to the Hextech Loot system! The following options will be available in the Mythic Essence Shop on August 10 00:01 UTC:
Item | Mythic Essence Needed With Discount | Mythic Essence Needed After Discount |
Hextech Annie | 800 | 1000 |
Hextech Annie High Tier Pose | 100 | 125 |
Hextech Annie Skin Border | 32 | 40 |
We’ll be adding a new skin to the Mythic Essence shop again in September and will share it with you in Wild Rift News September! Have any guesses of who it might be? Let us know!
Everyone’s favorite random gamemode will be making its return this month! Stretch those thumbs, and get ready for some fast-paced and totally random gameplay! ARURF is the same as URF, except instead of picking your champion, it will be randomly picked for you and your teammates! We hope you have a great time hopping in a cannon and casting your abilities at a rapid pace!
All Random Ultra Rapid Fire Mode (ARURF) will be available to play from August 18 00:01 UTC until August 21 23:59 UTC.
We loved seeing all your art from the Soul Fighter event so we had to show off even more this month!
Thanks for reading and we’ll see you on the Rift!