Wild Rift Patch Notes 6.0b
Two weeks in and we are already on the second balance pass of patch 6.0! The performance of a few champions are still outliers following the endurance changes earlier in the patch so you'll see a few buffs and nerfs for them below. Additionally, ARAM and Hextech ARAM are getting some significant balance changes. Last but not least, the Celestial Embroidery skinline Champions weave their way onto the Rift.
Reminder: content will be released throughout the patch.

We buffed Rumble’s durability and kiting abilities to help him last longer in a fight.
Scrap Shield
Shield value bonus: 30% Ability Power → 35% Ability Power
Movement Speed bonus: 15%/20%/25%/30% → 20%/25%/30%/35%
Shield value and Movement Speed bonus gained with Danger Zone are 150% of the base value
We wanted to improve Kalista's performance in her duo lane so we buffed her damage when fighting with teammates.
Passive damage: 14/15/16/17% target’s maximum Health → 16/17/18/19% target’s maximum Health
Cooldown of Passive damage: 10s → 8s
We buffed Evelynn’s ult, matching her damage stats with her ability’s visuals performance, allowing her to pose more threats to her enemies.
Last Caress
Base damage: 120/240/360 → 150/260/370
Compared to other marksmen, Jinx is more prone to running out of mana, so we decreased her mana consumption and buffed her ability to deal damage in team fights.
Mana consumption for each attack of Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher: 30 → 20
Damage of Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher: 107% → 110%
We buffed Urgot’s damage in the early game, so he will pose more threat to his enemies in lane.
Echoing Flames
Bonus damage: 2/3/4/5% target’s maximum Health → 3/4/5/6% target’s maximum Health
Riven is currently performing poorly in Baron lane, but carving it up in the jungle. We're trying to bring both of her roles more in line with each other by improving her early phases in the Baron lane, while nerfing her jungling efficiency.
Broken Wings
Base damage: 20/45/70/95 → 30/55/80/105
[New] Damage to monsters: 70%
Base Shield value: 75/110/145/180 → 85/120/155/190
A small nerf to Camille's Tactical Sweep to bring her more in line with her peers.
Tactical Sweep
Bonus damage: 4/6/8/10% target’s maximum Health → 3/5/7/9% target’s maximum Health
We nerfed Kayle’s sustainability and damage especially in the early phase of the game, to better position her as a powerful late game champion.
Celestial Blessing
Heal: 80/120/160/200+40% Ability Power → 65/105/145/185+40% Ability Power
Starfire Spellblade
Bonus damage by active casting: (9/10/11/12%+0.02% Ability Power) target’s lost health → (8/9/10/11%+0.02% Ability Power) target’s lost health
A nerf to Amumu's overpowered damage and jungling efficiency.
Base damage per second: 30/35/40/45 → 25/30/35/40
Bonus damage per second: (2/2.2/2.4/2.6+0.6% Ability Power)% target’s maximum Health → (1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6+0.4% Ability Power)% target’s maximum Health
Curse of the Sad Mummy
Bonus damage: 80% Ability Power → 70% Ability Power
Soraka's healing abilities gained outsized benefits from the endurance changes so we're slowing down how often she can heal her allies.
Astral Infusion
Cooldown: 6/5/4/3s → 7/6/5/4s
Baron Nashor
Mechanism adjustment
Shortened the time it takes for Baron Nashor to join combat.
With Notes Deluge, transforming champions to instrument for: 2s → 1s
Items and Runes
We're nerfing strategies and playstyles in ARAM that are frustrating to play against and cause a poor gameplay experience for most players. Specifically, we're making changes to modify the performance of certain items and Runes in ARAM. We'll continue to monitor and look to address these issues in future patches.
The changes below apply for ARAM, Hextech ARAM and Spellbook ARAM:
Redemption (Only effective in Howling Abyss)
[New] Mechanism: in Howling Abyss, if a champion was once healed by redemption, then all following healing effects of Redemption will be decreased by 60%.
Item Crafting (Only effective in Howling Abyss)
Cooldown: 6 minutes → 10 minutes
Cooldown mechanism: craft items when a game starts → in cooldown when a game starts
Champion balance
Damage dealt: 100% → 90%
Damage received: 85% → 90%
Damage received: 100% → 90%
Damage received: 85% → 80%
Damage dealt: 100% → 110%;
Damage received: 100% → 90%
Hextech augments
Mad Scientist
Ability Haste: 50 → 30;
Arcane Overflow
Damage of Comets: champion level*8+50% bonus Attack Damage + 20% Ability Power, up to 25 stacks → champion level*16+100% bonus Attack Damage + 40% Ability Power, up to 25 stacks
Titanic Strength
Armor and Magic Resist gained when receiving damage: 6 → 8
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