Wild Rift Patch Notes 2.1b

The might of Targon’s aspects descend from the heavens this patch, bringing nerfs to Aurelion Sol, the Conqueror rune, and backdooring.

With an eye to the heavens, the final major balance and content patch of 2.1 is here. Explore the majesty and might of Targon through three of its most iconic champions: Leona, Diana and Pantheon. Explore their stories in the Path of Ascension event, and pick up some fun rewards along the way. Finally, we’re taking a swing at a couple of powerful midlaners, and nerfing backdoor victories now we’re starting to see organized competitive teams make frequent use of that strategy.

One more thing: we’re keeping an eye on Katarina’s initial low winrate, but we want to make sure players are adapting to her playstyle and controls before making any changes. Enjoy patch 2.1b!





Imbued with the fire of the sun, Leona is a holy warrior of the Solari who defends Mount Targon with her Zenith Blade and the Shield of Daybreak. Her skin shimmers with starfire while her eyes burn with the power of the celestial Aspect within her. Armored in gold and bearing a terrible burden of ancient knowledge, Leona brings enlightenment to some, death to others.

Leona will be released later in the patch.



Bearing her crescent moonblade and clad in shimmering armor the color of winter snow at night, Diana is a living embodiment of the silver moon’s power. Imbued with the essence of an Aspect from beyond Targon’s towering summit, Diana is no longer wholly human, and struggles to understand her power and purpose in this world.

Diana will be released later in the patch.



Once an unwilling host to the Aspect of War, Atreus survived when the celestial power within him was slain, refusing to succumb to a blow that tore stars from the heavens. In time, he learned to embrace the power of his own mortality, and the stubborn resilience that goes along with it. Atreus now opposes the divine as Pantheon reborn, his unbreakable will fueling the fallen Aspect’s weapons on the field of battle.

Pantheon will be released later in the patch.


All skins will be released throughout the patch.


  • Barbecue Leona
  • Dark Valkyrie Diana
  • Full Metal Pantheon
  • Dragonslayer Pantheon
  • Infernal Diana
  • PROJECT: Ashe
  • PROJECT: Leona
  • PROJECT: Yasuo
  • PROJECT: Zed



What awaits you on Targon’s peak? Find your path. Make the climb.


The Path of Ascension event begins later in the patch.




Aurelion Sol is still way too strong even after the Liandry’s nerf. While we are nerfing his most powerful rune (Conqueror) we feel he needs an additional tune down to his mid-game strength to be more in line with other champions.

(P) Center of the Universe

  • Star base damage: 18/26/34/42/50/58/66/74/82/90/98/106/114/122/130 → 15/21/27/33/40/47/54/61/70/79/88/97/108/119/130

(2) Celestial Expansion

  • Base damage: 25/35/45/55/65/75/85/95/105/115/125/135/145/165 → 25/32/39/46/54/62/70/78/89/100/111/122/138/154/170

(Ult) Voice of Light

  • Cooldown: 65/55/45s → 80/65/50s



Soraka is a bit weaker compared to her counterparts. Giving her some more star power to help her shine as a healer and silencer.

(2) Astral Infusion

  • Base heal: 80/110/140/170 HP → 80/120/160/200 HP

(3) Equinox

  • Cooldown: 22/20/18/16s → 20/18/16/14s



Giving Tristana a small buff to her mana and (2) Rocket Jump slow to make sure she is rewarded more consistently for jumping in.

Base Stats

  • Base mana per level: 33 → 41
    • Mana @ level 15: 762 → 874

(2) Rocket Jump

  • Slow duration: 1/1.5/2/2.5s → 1.5/2/2.5/3s



Yasuo overly benefited from the Blade of the Ruined King changes last patch. At the same time, his defensive stats are too high given his passive shield and mobility. Taking a good chunk out of his base Armor and health to help his opponents capitalize on his mistakes more. We’re also adjusting his dash speed to better match his pace from League PC.

Base Stats

  • Base armor: 40 → 35
  • Base health: 650 → 570

(3) Sweeping Blade

  • Dash Speed: 1200 + Movement Speed → 900 + Movement Speed



Ziggs’ Mega Inferno Bomb is pretty hard to hit sometimes, especially when it’s flying across the map, so we’re giving it a slight area-of-effect buff. On the other hand, he takes down turrets too quickly, so we’re pulling back a bit on his Satchel Charge execution.

(2) Satchel Charge

  • Tower destroy threshold: 25/30/35/40% tower HP → 20/25/30/35% tower HP

(Ult) Mega Inferno Bomb

  • Outer AoE size radius: 4 → 5
  • Inner AoE size radius: 2 → 2.5


Locket is too strong as a first item and completely nullifies the lethality of early game team fighting. We’re taking a large swing at its early power and price to curb it from being purchased too quickly.


  • Price: 500g → 800g
  • Shield Amount: 140 to 420 (120 + Level × 20) → 70 to 420 (45 + Level × 25)



After evaluating more usage data, we’ve found that Conqueror is hyper overperforming on ranged AP champions when compared to other choices. It’s also slightly strong in general for other ranged champions so we’re selectively nerfing its maximum output on ranged champions by a small amount too.

  • AP per stack: 4 to 12 (based on champ level) → 3 to 9 (based on champ level)
  • Maximum stack Adaptive Damage bonus: 10% on ranged champions → 7% on ranged champions



Though we think backdooring should be viable in some situations, late game backdooring is becoming too easy. We’re removing the mechanic where the turret defense backdoor bonus lessens in the late game.

  • “Backdoor bonus” tower damage reduction: 66%, then 33% at 18 minutes → 66% through the whole game


We’re seeing an overwhelming amount of lane swaps to force 2v1 lanes in competitive play. We don’t think this is the most intuitive or healthy playstyle, so want to address it sooner rather than later. To maintain clear phases of the game, we think laning should last at least a few minutes in the early game, so we’re giving turrets more defensive power if a full team tries to take ‘em down.

Before patch 2.1b

  • During the first 3 minutes, all outer turrets gain 50 bonus Armor/Magic Resist
  • During the first 3 minutes, turrets gain additional defensive bonuses when multiple enemies are nearby:
    • 3 champions in total: 40 Armor/Magic Resist
    • 4 champions in total: 80 Armor/Magic Resist
    • 5 champions in total: 120 Armor/Magic Resist

Patch 2.1b changes

  • During the first 3 minutes:
    • Solo (Baron) lane outer turret gains 90 bonus Armor/Magic Resist
    • Mid lane outer turret gains 90 bonus Armor/Magic Resist
    • Duo (Dragon) lane outer turret gains 40 bonus Armor/Magic Resist
  • During the first 3 minutes, turrets gain additional defensive bonuses when multiple enemies are nearby:
    • 2 champions in total: 10 Armor/Magic Resist
    • 3 champions in total: 100 Armor/Magic Resist
    • 4 champions in total: 200 Armor/Magic Resist
    • 5 champions in total: 300 Armor/Magic Resist


We’re rolling out improved chat evaluation that is ramping up to catch a majority of detected languages, which means you might run into more players who’ve received text or voice restrictions. Over the upcoming months we'll continue to improve both our detection, and the languages we support.

For the rest of you: Keep reporting players who are behaving in a disruptive way. Each report is sent into our behavior systems to review, and having the reports helps us continue to improve our machine learning models and get better and better at dealing with disruptive behavior.


Mar 18 - Mar 24: Corki, Darius, Graves, Katarina, Malphite, Nami, Shyvana, Soraka, Varus, Ziggs

Mar 25 - Mar 31: Akali, Draven, Jarvan IV, Jax, Rakan, Sona, Wukong, Xayah, Xin Zhao, Zed