Update on Win Trading

We’re taking action on win trading and match fixing.

Tl;dr We’re taking action on win trading and match fixing in Wild Rift, starting with an immediate ban on known offenders. All Ranked Season 1 rewards will be removed for these players, and their accounts will be reset to Iron IV.

We define win trading as any number of methods where players manipulate the matchmaking queues to end up on opposite teams, in order to fix the results of the match (win or loss). This is more prevalent in the higher echelons of Wild Rift’s competitive leaderboards where the population is smaller, and the highly ranked positions are more coveted.

Win trading is a bannable offense. Not only does it cause a huge amount of pain for players in those specific games, it affects the integrity of the in-game leaderboards, so we’ll be taking immediate action on a number of accounts:

  1. Accounts with the highest win trading activity will be permanently banned.
  2. Other accounts with evidence of win trading will be banned for 7 days as a warning, with all Season 1 rewards removed. These accounts will also be reset to Iron IV. Any repeat offenders from this list will be permanently banned.

We know that, much like other forms of cheating, win trading is a constant arms race and that we won’t catch everyone each time in a ban wave. We’re working on some systemic changes to combat this, and will have more to share a bit later.

That said, we wanted to minimize catching any innocent players, so we’re being cautious about what criteria we’re using this time around (so if you have personally had the occasional rough game, or seen some weird behavior on your team that you didn’t encourage, you’ll be in the clear!)

Competitive integrity is one of our biggest focuses for Wild Rift in 2021, and we know we still have a way to go. Win trading is just one piece of that puzzle, so we’re going to keep leveling up our approaches to game balance, cheating, disruptive behavior and in-game stability to ensure you can focus your time and energy on the climb.