Upcoming changes to VPNs

We’re making some access changes to players using VPNs to play Wild Rift.

Hey everyone,

In order to protect the best in-game experience, we’re making a few changes to VPN logins across all our games, with the biggest impact being on Wild Rift.

It’s become increasingly clear that a ton of you… FAR more than we expected… want to play the Wild Rift beta. As we’ve been monitoring the in-game experience, we’ve noticed a range of problems in games that include players who have used a VPN to log in from outside the beta regions. These issues range from an inconvenience (like language barriers) to outright game-breaking problems (like unplayable lag spikes for everyone—not just the players on VPN).

We’ve explored ways to protect the game experience for the largest number of players and concluded the best solution is to prevent VPN access from the highest volume VPN services outside the beta regions, effective immediately. We’ll continue to evaluate whether additional VPN services need to be added to the list.

It kills us to turn off access to anyone, but we think this is the right move to make sure players in the beta can enjoy Wild Rift the way it was intended to be played.

I’m in an open beta region but I use VPN. Is this going to block me?

It shouldn’t. If you’re having trouble logging in please contact player support.

Are you going to change this policy once things calm down?

We may in the future but don’t have immediate plans to revert this.

Which countries are specifically blocked?

We’re starting with a block on the highest volume VPN services outside the beta regions. We’ll continue to evaluate whether additional VPN services need to be added to the list.

I've been blocked by this change and really want to play the game. How do I get access now?

We’re working to get Wild Rift available worldwide as quickly as possible but we don’t have anything more to share on timing yet. Believe us that we hate cutting off access to anyone, but we think this is the right move to provide the best experience to the largest number of players.