Wild Rift Patch Notes 6.0d

Grab your purplest pj’s, your hammer, and swing into patch 6.0d with the arrivals of Pajama Guardian Lulu and Poppy!

Welcome to Patch 6.0d! We hope you brought your best, purplest pair of pajamas, because it’s time for the most fun sleepover ever! Pajama Guardian Lulu is making her debut in our new Wild Pass! It’s also the last season of ARAM and Arena before we have some more galactic adventures, so make sure to grab your friends for some fun. Oh, how could we forget? Poppy and her hammer are also swinging their way onto the Rift and bringing some fun surprises with her. Oh! Wasn’t Ke supposed to talk to the team about that Poppy skinline? Maybe we’ll get some updates on that this patch too…

Reminder: content will be released throughout the patch.




Runeterra has no shortage of valiant champions, but few are as tenacious as Poppy. Bearing the legendary hammer of Orlon, a weapon twice her size, this determined yordle has spent untold years searching in secret for the fabled “Hero of Demacia,” said to be its rightful wielder. Until then, she dutifully charges into battle, pushing back the kingdom’s enemies with every whirling strike.

Poppy will be released on March 28 at 00:01 UTC.


*Yawn* Rubs Eyes Oh! What’s that? Time for a new Wild Pass? And Pajama Guardian Lulu is the new reward? That’s enough to wake us up from our slumber to log in and progress our pass to earn her!

The new Wild Pass will be available on March 13 at 00:01 UTC



Punch your ticket and take part in the Wild Pass Sprint event, where you can flash through challenges and earn some cool new rewards! 

The Wild Pass Sprint Event will begin on March 13 at 00:01 UTC.


Poppy and her hammer are swinging onto the Rift this patch; welcome her to the Rift by joining her in this new challenge! 

The Poppy’s Challenge Event will begin on March 28 at 00:01 UTC.


Now, what kind of mischief is Poppy getting into…

The Poppy’s April Fool’s Mischief will begin on March 28 at 00:01 UTC.



This patch will be the final season for ARAM and Arena, but have no fear! We’re just prepping for some groovy galactic adventures that will be right around the corner. For all the collectors out there, remember you’ll have to hit the rank required to earn the new emotes before they're gone! Additionally, rewards will be given based on your historical highest achievement, learn more in-game!

Since it’s the last season, we’ll also be extending until May 15 at 00:01 UTC, and Arena’s final season will begin March 14 at 00:01 UTC and end on April 16 at 00:01 UTC. 


You’ve been loving the hexfication of ARAM so much, we’re extending it a little bit longer through this patch. Let us know which augments you’ve been enjoying the most! 

Hextech ARAM will be available to play until April 16 at 00:01 UTC.



Corki’s reworked performance didn’t land quite how we wanted it to, so we’re boosting his Attack Speed per level and reducing his ultimate’s downtime. This will help him better weave basic attacks between abilities for more sustained damage output.

Base Stats

  • Attack Speed per level: 0.022 → 0.032

  • Attack Damage per level: 3 → 3.5

Missile Barrage

  • Big One Charge Time: 20s → 16s

  • Auto Attacks Against Champions Reduce Charge Time: (2 + 200% Critical Strike rate) s →  (2 + 300% Critical Strike Rate) s


We've improved Annie's mid-game laning and ganking potential, allowing her to leverage her strengths earlier and provide more support for her teammates.


  • Mana consumption: 65/70/75/80 → 50/55/60/65

  • Damage: 80/125/170/215 + 80% Ability Power → 80/130/180/230 + 85% Ability Power

Molten Shield

  • Movement Speed bonus: 20/25/30/35% → 25/30/35/40%


As a marksman, Lucian struggles to pose a significant threat to enemies in the mid-to-late game. To address this, we've made him more agile in mid-game fights while also boosting his damage for the later stages.

Base Stats

  • Attack Damage per level: 4 → 4.5

Relentless Pursuit

  • Cooldown: 22/19/16/13s → 20.5/18/15.5/13s


We've increased Ezreal's late-game damage. This should ensure that he remains a significant threat, even in the later stages of the game. 

Base Stats

  • Movement Speed: 335 → 340

Mystic Shot

  • Damage bonus: 120% Attack Damage + 30% Ability Power → 130% Attack Damage + 30% Ability Power


Wukong has struggled to sustain after taking a solo fight during the laning phase. Additionally, his high mana costs have limited his ability to consistently trade with his foes. To help him out, we've improved his sustain and reduced his mana costs. Now, he no longer needs Manaflow Band to compensate for his early-game insufficient mana problems. 

Stone Skin

  • Health regeneration from Strong Skin per 5s: 1.5% maximum health → 2.5% maximum health

Golden Staff

  • Cooldown of empowered ability: 12/10/8/6s → 10.5/9/7.5/6s

  • Mana consumption: Full level 40 →  Full level 30

Nimbus Strike

  • Mana consumption: 45/50/55/60 → Full level 40


Compared to other junglers, Graves struggles to deal damage in the earlier stages of the game. To lend him a hand, we’ve boosted his early-game combat ability, which will improve his jungle clear speed and survivability in fights. 

Base Stats

  • Base Magic Resistance: 38 → 40

End of the Line

  • Cooldown: 11.5/10/8.5/7s → 10/9/8/7s

  • Damage to monsters: 105% → 110%


  • Armor bonus per stack of True Grit: 8/14/20/26 → 13/18/23/28


Mordekaiser tends to struggle during the laning phase, so we’ve strengthened the damage he can do in lane. However, we’ve also slightly toned down his terrifying Realm of Death to keep him more balanced overall.


  • Damage: 70/95/120/145 + (4~90)+60% Ability Power → 80/110/140/170+(4~70)+70% Ability Power

Realm of Death

  • Cooldown: 100/85/70s → 105/90/75s


Irelia is a dominant force in lane, especially in the hands of skilled players. However, she often struggles to find impact in mid-to-late-game teamfights. To balance this, we've reduced her early-game pressure while increasing her late-game survivability. 

Ionian Fervor

  • Damage: 30~120 + 30% bonus Attack Damage → 10~150 + 30% bonus Attack Damage


  • Damage: 15/45/75/105 + 60% Attack Damage → 10/40/70/100 + 65% Attack Damage

  • Health regeneration: 19/21/23/25% Attack Damage → 16/20/24/28% Attack Damage


In the current patch, Ekko’s burst damage is overly strong, and his mobility and survivability make him difficult to punish. So, we’re reducing his jungle clear speed and burst potential while also increasing the early cooldown of his ultimate. Now, he’ll need better scaling and more strategic positioning to take down his opponents.

Z-Drive Resonance

  • Damage to monsters: 155% → 120%

Parallel Convergence

  • Passive damage: (3% + 0.02% Ability Power) lost health → (2% + 0.015% Ability Power) lost health


  • Cooldown: 70/55/40s → 80/60/40s


We’re slowing down Ambessa’s jungle clear speed while also reducing her overall damage and sustain. She’ll now need to be more cautious when choosing her moment to strike. 

Drakehound's Step

  • Damage: 1 + champion level*4+(2%+0.02% bonus Attack Damage) → 1 + champion level*3+(1.5%+0.02% bonus Attack Damage)

Cunning Sweep

  • Damage to monsters: 110% → 100%

Public Execution

  • Health regeneration: (50/75/100 + 50% bonus Attack Damage) to (150/225/300 + 100% bonus Attack Damage) → (25/50/75 + 45% bonus Attack Damage) to (75/150/225 + 90% bonus Attack Damage)




Compared to the other Tear of the Goddess items, Manamune stacks at a slower pace. We've improved its stacking efficiency, so if you choose this item, you can be more effective in the mid-game.

Mana Charge:

  • Increases max Mana by 10 every time mana is spent or launch a basic attack → Increases max Mana by 15 every time mana is spent or launch a basic attack

Stoneplate Enchant

In teamfights, Stoneplate Enchant has been providing too large of a shield and making certain champions too tanky. We’re reducing the shield value to bring it more in line.

Stoneplate (active)

  • For every enemy nearby, gain an additional shield that absorbs damage equal to 14% of maximum health → For every enemy nearby, gain an additional shield that absorbs damage equal to 10% of maximum health

Glorious Enchant

We're making some adjustments to Glorious Enchant so that it is a more appealing buy for champions who can utilize it. 

Glory (Active)

  • Range of triggering shockwave: 200 → 250

  • [Optimization] Mechanism: After casting the shockwave, the original 15% bonus movement speed will not be removed

Locket Enchant

With the addition of Forbidden Idol, Locket has been providing too much shielding in the mid-to-late game. So, we’re adjusting its shielding power. 

Locket (active)

  • Shield value: 60~390 → 60~330

Magnetron Enchant 

We're introducing a new mechanic to Magnetron to improve its usability, especially for champions who rely on quick repositioning.

Magnetron (Active)

  • [New] Mechanic: gain 30% of bonus movement speed for 1.5s upon reaching target position



Currently, Empowerment has been underperforming. We’re increasing its damage amplification effect to better highlight its mix of burst and sustained damage potential.

  • Under vulnerable state, all damage received increases by 8% → Under vulnerable state, all damage received increases by 9%



Cleanse provides a reliable way to remove crowd control during the lane phase while also mitigating multiple crowd control effects at a relatively low cost. To create a better counterplay window for opponents and improve the experience for control-based champions, we’re increasing its cooldown and reducing its immunity duration.

  • Cooldown: 100s → 110s

  • Time of immune to CC: 0.75s → 0.25s


Enchanted Ensemble  

The Enchanted Ensemble has been extremely effective at pushing and in some cases, has directly ended the laning phase in-game, which can in return place too much pressure on laners. To help with this, we’re reducing the damage it can do to turrets.

  • Damage of hitting turret: 60% turret’s maximum health → 50% turret’s maximum health

Baron Nashor

When Baron Nashor is defeated early in the game, the buff it grants to minions has been too difficult for some champions to deal with. So, we’re adjusting its effectiveness to make early Baron sieging more manageable.

  • Damage reduction of empowered minions from enemy champions: 60% → 50%~60%



Dragonmancer Jax 

Releasing March 13 @ 00:01 UTC

Truth Dragon Yasuo

Releasing March 13 @ 00:01 UTC

Dragonmancer Kassadin  

Releasing March 13 @ 00:01 UTC

Pizza Delivery Sivir 

Releasing March 28 @ 00:01 UTC