Wild Rift patch Notes 5.2a

How is it still chilly in here? Who's leaving these ice shards around?

How’s the newly Hexified Rift been treating you? Personally, it’s been a bit chilly for me. Won’t say whose fault it is though. We have a brand new spanking version of ARAM heading your way, as well as some new events to help you explore the new Rift. Along with all that, your regularly scheduled balance updates as well. Welcome to Patch 5.2a!

Reminder: content will be released throughout the patch.




Hexfication is heading to the Howling Abyss on Aug 9! Which Augment will you be picking? 



Complete missions to earn Hextech Rift Badges and other goodies! Are you a Rift Master or a Rift Legend? 

The Great Rift Challenge begins Aug 1 at 00:01 UTC


Compete against other players for your place on the leaderboard. Top-ranked players can earn goodies such as Poro Energies, Orange Gemstones, and more! 

Project A: A Rift Study begins Aug 13 at 00:01 UTC



Evelynn has been striking fear into the hearts of her enemies. We’re tweaking her numbers to make sure she’s still manageable as you face off against her in Lanes and Jungle alike.


  • Damage: 55/75/95/115 + (3 + 1.5% Ability Power)% target's Maximum Health → 55/75/95/115 + (2 + 1% Ability Power)% target's Maximum Health

  • Empowered damage: 75/110/145/180 + (5 + 2% Ability Power)% target's Maximum Health → 80/110/140/170 + (4 + 1.5% Ability Power)% target's Maximum Health


Vi has not been performing up to par, especially in the early game. These changes will make sure she packs a punch!

Denting Blows

  • Damage: (4 + 0.2* per level + 0.03* bonus Attack Damage)% target's Maximum Health → (4 + 0.3* per level + 0.03* bonus Attack Damage)% target's Maximum Health

Vault Breaker

  • Cooldown: 10/9/8/7s →  9/8/7/6s

Excessive Force

  • Damage: 10/35/60/85 + 15% Attack Damage + 70% Ability Power → 20/45/70/95 + 15% Attack Damage + 70% Ability Power


Our resident Voidreaver is known for his ability to pop unsuspecting victims who are faring alone. We’re making sure his signature move can do exactly that!

Taste Their Fear

  • Damage: 55/90/125/160 + 130% bonus Attack Damage →  65/100/135/170 + 130% bonus Attack Damage

  • Evolved Reaper Claws: 30% of Taste Their Fear's cooldown is refunded against isolated targets → 40% of Taste Their Fear's cooldown is refunded against isolated targets


Talon is the man of the hour, he can do it all! But it’s making it unfair for everyone else so we are bringing him back down to earth.


  • Sending damage: 50/60/70/80 + 45% bonus Attack Damage → 35/45/55/65 + 45% bonus Attack Damage 

  • Returning damage: 50/90/130/170 + 90% bonus Attack Damage → 60/100/140/180 + 90% bonus Attack Damage

Assassin's Path

Cooldown of vaulting over the same terrain or structure: 110/90/70/50s → 135/110/85/60s


Miss Fortune is lagging behind, especially noticeable as the game progresses. We’re increasing her damage and making sure she’s speedy enough to dodge whatever her enemies throw at her.

Love Taps

  • Damage increased: (7.75 + 0.25* per level)% → (7.6 + 0.4* per level)%


  • Movement speed increased by when not taking damage in 4s: full level 25 →  30/35/40/45

  • Full level Movement speed increase: 80/85/90/95 → 80/90/100/110


Samira hasn’t been keeping up with her opponents. We’re increasing her opportunities for damage with these changes to make sure she can catch up. 

Blade Whirl

  • Cooldown: 26/23.5/21/18.5s → 22/20/18/16s

Inferno Trigger

  • Damage of each shot: 5/15/25 + 50% Attack Damage → 5/20/35 + 50% Attack Damage


Zed is struggling to deal with the enemy carries. We’ve tweaked his damage to make sure he remains a threat to worry about. 

Razor Shuriken

  • On hit damage: 70/120/170/220 + 100% bonus Attack Damage → 70/120/170/220 + 110% bonus Attack Damage 

  • Damage to enemies in the path: 42/72/102/132 + 60% bonus Attack Damage  →  42/72/102/132 + 66% bonus Attack Damage

Shadow Slash

  • Damage: 70/100/130/160 + 70% bonus Attack Damage → 70/100/130/160 + 75% bonus Attack Damage


What are you supposed to do when you miss your hook? Now with a lower mana cost, hook again! 

Base Stats

  • Attack Damage per Level: 1.7 → 2

Rocket Grab

  • Mana consumption: 100 at all levels → 80 at all levels


Irelia has been falling off in late-stage team fights. We want to make sure her blades are striking true, especially during key moments like fighting for objectives. 

Base Stat

  • Armor per Level: 3.9 → 4.5

Vanguard's Edge

  • Bladewall Damage: 100/150/200 + 70% Ability Power → 100/175/250 + 70% Ability Power


Nautilus has been a terror to deal with when stacking mage items. We’re tweaking his ratios to ensure his anchor is not dealing massive damage. 

Dredge Line

  • Damage: 60/120/180/240 + 90% Ability Power → 60/120/180/240 + 80% Ability Power

Depth Charge

  • Cooldown: 60/50/40s → 70/60/50s

  • Damage to the main target: 150/275/400 + 80% Ability Power → 150/275/400 + 70% Ability Power


Hecarim has been able to gallop in and out of enemies with little consequence. These changes will ensure that players have more factors to consider when they are choosing to engage. 


  • Movement speed bonus on-hit: 40% → 30%

  • Damage increase for next Rampage: 125% → 120%


Lucian is lagging behind his fellow marksmen. We’re making sure he can keep up with the rest of the pack. 


  • Damage of the second bullet: 50/55/60% (increasing at Level 1/6/11) → 50/57.5/65% (increasing at Level 1/6/11)


We’re buffing Jarvan IV’s late game damage while also granting him more mobility to effectively engage in team fights. 

Base Stat

  • Attack Damage per Level: 4.55 → 5

Demacian Standard

  • Cooldown: 11s at all Levels → 11/10.5/10/9.5s

  • Bonus Attack Speed: 25/30/35/40% → 30/35/40/45%



We’re optimizing T-Hex’s abilities to make sure it's dealing enough damage. We’re also improving its maneuverability. 

[HOTFIX] Base Stats

  • Reaching the peak of its growth stats by 22 mins → 25 mins in-game 

  • Attack Damage: 380~820 → 380~952

  • Maximum Health: 4000~10000 → 4000~11800

  • Armor: 80~140 → 80~158

  • Magic Resistance: 50~90 → 50~102

(1) Missile Blitz 

  • [New] [HOTFIX] Slow nearby enemies by 20% while damaging them. 

  • [New] T-hex can use other abilities and basic attacks during Missile Blitz

(3) Irontail Sweep 

  • Knock back enemies → knock back enemies and stun them for 0.2s

(4) Laser Ray 

  • [New] [HOTFIX] Slow enemies while damaging them

[HOTFIX] Mechanism

  • Damage reduction for minions around T-Hex Mecha: 50% 60%~70% (increasing with time)


Hextech Baron Nashor has been shredding through enemies. We’re adjusting his damage and reducing its health.

[HOTFIX] Base Stats

  • Base Health: 10000 → 9500

  • Health increase per minute: 530 500

(1) Hextech Pulse

  • Damage: 100% Attack Damage of Baron Nashor → 60% Attack Damage of Baron Nashor


Hextech Guerrilla Turret has felt underwhelming when it’s spending all its energy walking around. We’re making sure it’s locked in onto the enemy Turrets.

Mechanism Adjustment

  • Hextech Guerrilla Turret will immediately stop consuming energy when the target turret is destroyed

  • Hextech Guerrilla Turret does not consume energy when moving and attacking minions


We’re optimizing the time it takes to activate Hextech Mimic to make the overall experience a lot smoother.

Mechanism Adjustment

  • Increased the radius of pick up for mini Hextech Mimic behind the turret

  • Trigger range of mini Mimics hitting turrets: 8 → 9


We’re optimizing the duration and effects of some of the tools. We’re also removing some that haven’t been hard-hitting as we’ve hoped.

Mechanism Adjustment

  • Duration of Hextech Toolkit in lane: 50s → 30s

  • Active time duration of props owned: 45s → 65s

Deceleration Ray

  • Slow → Damage

  • Damage: 80 → 80~120 (increasing with champion level)

[REMOVED] Exploding Puppets



We’re adjusting the numbers on Riftmaker to make sure it’s a viable pickup as a sustain item.


  • 12% Omnivamp → 13% Omnivamp

Void Corruption

  • Increase damage by 3% with each layer of Corruption → Increase damage by 2.5% with each layer of Corruption

Liandry's Torment

Liandry’s Torment is providing a great deal of damage which makes it overpowered when compared to other mage items. We’re adjusting its early power.


  • Damaging abilities or empowered attacks deal (0.5% → 0.4% + 0.005% Ability Power) of enemy's Maximum Health as bonus magic damage each second, over 3 seconds.

Blade of the Ruined King

After the Ruination patch, Blade of the Ruined King hasn’t been providing enough Attack Damage. We’re improving on its offering to make sure it remains an attractive pickup.

Base Stat

  • Attack Damage: 20 → 25



We’re increasing the damage of Arcane Comet based on stacks.

  • Damage: 30~100 + 1*stacks + 35% bonus Attack Damage + 20% Ability Power → 30~100 + 2*stacks + 35% bonus Attack Damage + 20% Ability Power


Compared with other Precision Runes, Coup de Grace is not hitting quite the same. We’re buffing its damage to make it an attractive pickup when considering the options under Precision.

  • Deal 7% bonus adaptive damage to enemy champions below 40% Health → Deal 8% bonus adaptive damage to enemy champions below 40% Health



Our Anticheat is constantly evolving to ensure fairness in play. While cheating in Wild Rift is relatively rare, the impact it has on the player experience can be profound. We’ve banned around 1300+ cheaters last week, with another 3000+ coming this week. If you believe your account has been compromised, please contact player support.


Debonair Jayce
Releasing August 2 @ 00:01 UTC


  • Fixed the bug where the end of the laser from Hextech Guerilla Turret cannot attack minions

  • Fixed the bug where the wrong model of Hextech Mimics may appear when entering a bush while it’s hitting turrets

  • Fixed the bug where the background music disappears when reconnecting back to game after renewing progress

  • Fixed the bug where two different versions of background music plays at the same time during practice mode and the New Player Guide