Wild Rift Patch Notes 4.3d

It’s the last patch of the Fighting Spirit Update! We’ve got a rework to Janna, balance updates, and new skins! Welcome to Patch 4.3d!

We’ve been fearless during the Fighting Spirit update and have loved debuting new content for you during this patch cycle. However, we must speak now and let you all know that it’s the end of an era. This will be the last balance patch during the 4.3 cycle, but don’t worry we’ve already started entering our new era and can’t wait to start the party with you in the coming weeks!

Before we close out 4.3, we wanted to blow you all away, so Janna’s rework will be launching this patch, along with seemingly some balance updates, and some new skins. Welcome to Patch 4.3d!

Reminder: content will be released throughout the patch.



Hecarim is highly mobile and tanky, which makes it difficult for his enemies to take him down. So we’re going to “rein” him in and are nerfing some of his resistances and regen that he gains during a teamfight.


  • Damage and magic resistance: 20/25/30/35 → 6/12/18/24
  • Health regeneration: 10/15/20/25 + 1% Bonus maximum health → 5/10/15/20 + 1% Bonus maximum health
  • Health regeneration from damage dealt to enemy targets: Damage dealt (25% + 0.02% Bonus Attack Damage) → Damage dealt (20% + 0.02% Bonus Attack Damage)


  • Cooldown: 90/80/70s → 100/85/70s


Janna is The Storm’s Fury, and she harnesses the power of wind to support her teammates throughout the game. We felt there was some room to adjust some of her abilities to make her more supportive and lean into her strengths. We’ve reworked all of her abilities to make sure she is still that protective wind mage, while also increasing her survivability and flexibility, so that Janna is in it to “wind” it and playable in more situations.


  • Bonus movement speed gained: 8% → 5%
  • [REMOVED] Ally champions gain 8% movement speed bonus when moving towards Janna.
  • [NEW] Nearby ally champions gain 5% movement speed bonus.

Howling Gale

  • Magic damage: 60/90/120/150+40% Ability Power → 60/100/140/180 + 50% Ability Power
  • Time it takes for the storm to reach its destination: 1s → 0.5s
  • [REMOVED] Damage from the storm, knockup effect and range depend on its charging time, reaching maximum potency at 3s.
  • [NEW] Charging time for the storm is fixed as 0.75s. Howling Gale gains 1 charge every 12s to cast, with maximum 2 charging stacks.


  • Magic damage: 55/105/155/205 + 60% Ability Power +25% Bonus movement speed → 50/90/130/170+50% Ability Power + 20% Bonus movement speed
  • Cooldown: 7.5/7/6.5/6s → 9/8.5/8/7.5s
  • [REMOVED] Passive: After ability cooldown, Janna gains 6% bonus movement speed, dealing bonus magic damage when attacking the enemies.
  • [REMOVED] Dealing damage and slowing down the chosen target for 2s.
  • [NEW] Increasing Janna’s movement speed by 15%/20%/25%/30% for 2s.
  • [NEW] Automatically searching 3 nearby allies or enemies. Janna will increase her ally champions movement speed by 15%/20%/25%/30%, or deal magic damage to the enemies.

Eye Of The Storm

  • Shield value: 90/140/190/240 + 80% Ability Power → 65/90/115/140 + 60% Ability Power
  • [REMOVED] Janna provides a shield to an ally champion or turret that absorbs damage, the shield decays over 5s.
  • [NEW] Janna now provides a shield that absorbs damage to herself and an ally champion with lowest health, if there is a turret nearby, the same shield will also be provided to the turret. The shield lasts for 3s without any decay.


  • Health regeneration per second: 100/150/200 + 50% Ability Power → 50/75/100 + 30% Ability Power
  • [REMOVED] During the Monsoon, Janna needs to continuously channel it.
  • [NEW] Janna can now move freely after casting the Monsoon.


Katarina players always find a way to “katapult” themselves into the fight and slash their enemies apart, especially in higher levels of play. Because of this, we’re slightly adjusting her damage so that her foes have a chance to fight back.


  • Base damage: 50 + 12 × Level → 40 + 10 × Level
  • Ability Power ratio: (45 + 3 × Level)% → (30 + 3 × Level)%


Kayn’s Darkin form is weaker compared to his other form, so we’re increasing his sustainability which should make teamfights easier to maneuver.


  • Darkin base health regeneration: 18% → 20%


  • Darkin damage of target’s maximum health: (5% + 0.04% Bonus Attack Damage)% → (6% + 0.06% Bonus Attack Damage)%


Renekton has been struggling in the Baron Lane. We’ve seen that he hasn’t been able to apply enough pressure in the early and mid stages of the game. To lend this croc a hand, we’re increasing his sustainability and damage so that Renekton can regain his glory as one of best fighters on the Rift.


  • Base damage: 70/120/170/220 → 80/130/180/230
  • Base health regeneration: 5/7/9/11 → 7/9/11/13
  • Bonus damage: 105/180/255/330 → 120/195/270/345


We’re making some adjustments to increase Wukong’s damage, sustainability, and flexibility so that he can take more fights comfortably.


  • Health regeneration: 30/50/70/90 → 50/70/90/110
  • Base damage: 30/50/70/90 → 40/60/80/100
  • Damage ratio: 0.3/0.35/0.4/0.45 → 0.35/0.4/0.45/0.5


  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15s → 17/16/15/14s


Even though Xin Zhao has been a popular pick, he has been struggling to be a threat against his foes since the systematic changes that have occurred over the past few patches. We’re increasing some of his damage so that he can feel more confident taking those jungle skirmish fights.

Wind Becomes Lightning

  • Slash damage: 40/50/60/70 + 30% Attack Damage → 50/60/70/80 + 40% Attack Damage




We’re increasing the amount of gold gained from one time from Ancient Coin, and increasing the healing given to the holder. This should help players have a smoother laning phase.

  • One time gold gained: 55 → 65
  • One time health regeneration: 15-65 → 20-80


The effect Berserker’s Greaves grants is now a little too weak, so we’re buffing it to make it a better pick up for champs that are looking for more attack speed in their builds.

Base stats:

  • Attack Damage: 15 → 18


The outburst power provided by these boots is now lower than our previous expectation, so we need to provide a little help to the Boots of Dynamism, so they meet the needs of assassins.

Base stats:

  • Cost: 1500g → 1400g


  • Armor penetration: 8 → 10


Duskblade has been struggling when compared to the other armor penetration items, since it mainly provides burst damage and it's been more difficult for players to benefit from these effects. So, we’re strengthening Duskblade’s specific effect and base armor penetration, so that you can capitalize and feel the impact from its damage in the early and mid stages of the game.


  • Armor penetration: 15 → 18


  • Base damage: 20-125 → 60-160
  • Slowdown time: 0.25s → 0.35s


While Harmonic Echo provides a healing effect, we feel it’s not enough. So we’re increasing the amount of healing it grants and lowering its costs, so that support players can pick it up earlier and benefit from its healing effects sooner.

  • Base stats:
    • Cost: 2900g → 2700g
  • Harmonic Echo:
    • Healing amount: 70 + 10% Ability Power → 130 + 10% Ability Power


While Magnetron Enchant can provide champions in the jungle with some strong movement, it’s still not performing well. We’re making some adjustments so that we can strengthen Magnetron Enchant’s unique power, and now its maximum movement distance can cover most areas in the jungle. We’re also adjusting its cooldown time so you can not only move farther around the map, but also faster.


  • Maximum movement distance: 500 → 550
  • Cooldown: 60s → 50s


When you’re up against someone who has Mercury’s Treads, sometimes the game just feels lost and that you can’t do much damage against your opponents. We want defensive strategies to be an option, but we also want to make sure that your foes building defensive items don’t make the game feel impossible. So, we’re adjusting the damage reduction to make sure attackers don’t feel overly frustrated, while also providing some extra health so that the holder still has enough room to survive bursts of magic damage from their foes.

Base stats:

  • Maximum health: 150 → 200


  • Reducing magic damage by: 15% → 12%


With its broad use case, Plated Steelcaps has an amazing defensive ability. Our goal with these adjustments is to give players more options in the boots category, so that Plated Steelcaps isn’t always the best in slot pick up.


  • Reduces physical damage by: 12% → 10%


Relic Shield’s ability gives players a lot of lane control since it helps you execute minions and give you and your carry gold, which has made it a popular pick up for supports. Since it provides the holder with bonus health, and is already outperforming the other support items we’re adjusting its healing effect. This should make it so it's not an insta pick for every support, and more situational depending on the champion you pick game to game.

  • One time health regeneration: 20-80 → 15-65



Overall, Domination runes are not performing well. We’re strengthening a few of them with the hope that we increase the advantage they grant to players.

  • Attack Damage gained from each takedown: 0.5 → 1 (Maximum 15 → 20)
  • Ability Power gained from each takedown: 1 → 2 (Maximum 30 → 40)


Overall, Domination runes are not performing well. We’re strengthening a few of them with the hope that we increase the advantage they grant to players.

  • Item ability haste gain from each takedown 4 → 5 (Maximum 40 → 45)


Overall, Domination runes are not performing well. We’re strengthening a few of them with the hope that we increase the advantage they grant to players.

  • Attack Damage gained from removing ward each time: 2 → 3 (Maximum 20 → 25)
  • Ability Power gained from removing ward each time: 4 → 6 (Maximum 40 → 50)


The long channel time on this rune can lead to missed opportunities for you to make those game winning plays. So, we’re decreasing the channeling time for Hextech Flashtraption to flash to the maximum distance, this should allow you to seize more opportunities for flashy plays when you see them.

  • Channeling time of longer flash distance: 3s → 2s
  • Maintaining time for flashing to the longest distance: 3.5s → 4.5s



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