02-03-2022Game Updates

Wild Rift Patch Notes 3.0b

Welcome to the last balance patch of the 3.0 cycle! We’re throwing a fish to our latest cuddly addition, Yuumi, who's been struggling since her release, and nerfing and buffing runes across the board. We’ll be back later this month when 3.1 releases!

  • Alice Labrecque
  • Nick Frijia
  • Sean Mason


FIZZ Image


This slippery assassin has had too easy of a time killing his foes, so we’re cutting back on some of his base damage.

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    Playful / Trickster

    • Damage: 85/150/215/280 → 75/140/205/270

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    Chum the Waters

    • Maximum base damage: 350/450/550 → 300/400/500
JAX Image


Jax has been one of the most dominant fighters in both the Baron Lane and jungle, because of his late-game scaling. We’re toning down some of that power by reducing the attack speed he gains per stack of Relentless Assault.

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    Relentless Assault

    • Attack Speed gained per stack: 3/5.5/8/10.5% → 2.5/4.5/6.5/8.5%
LULU Image


Our favorite whimsical yordle has consistently been a top pick for supports in high level play, so we’re reducing her ability to buff her allies and how often she can turn her enemies into cute little squirrels.

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    • Cooldown: 16/15/14/13s → 17/16/15/14s

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    HELP, PIX!

    • Shield value: 70/115/160/205 → 75/110/145/180


Since her release, this cuddly cat has been having a rough time finding her place in the Dragon Lane. We held off on buffs initially because we wanted to give players time to adjust to her unique playstyle, but it’s clear now that even the most dedicated Yuumi players are struggling. We’re giving her more reasons to take her claws out and play around her Prowling Projectile rather than only focusing on giving her allies the Zoomies.


    • Mana regeneration growth: 0.9 → 1.3

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    • Cooldown: 12/10/8/6s → 10/8.5/7/5.5s

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    • Mana cost: 90 → 70
    • Current percent health damage: 2/3.5/5/6.5/8% → 2/4/6/8/10%
    • Base damage: 40/80/120/160/200 → 60/100/140/180/220
    • Empowered base damage: 60/110/160/210/260 → 80/130/180/230/280

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    • Attached adaptive force ratio (AD:AP): 1:1.67 → 1:2

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    • Base damage per wave: 60/80/100 → 80/100/120
  • AliceL_Authorimg.jpg

    Alice Labrecque

    Comms Specialist

    Alice “a tiny frogo” Labrecque is a frog. Ribbit.

  • NickFrijia_Authorimg.jpg

    Nick Frijia

    Game Designer

    Nick "Endstep" Frijia is a game designer on the Wild Rift balance team. He prefers to engage in honorable 1v1 combat whenever possible, regardless of which role or game he's playing, and usually communicates exclusively through emotes.

  • SeanMason_Authorimg.jpg

    Sean Mason

    Game Designer

    Sean "Zekramen" Mason is a Game Designer on the Systems and Balance team for Wild Rift. He loves games and sports of all kinds and has been a Sonic main in Super Smash Bros. for 15 years.