Win Trading Update - Matchfixing

We’re updating our approach towards win trading and matchfixing in Wild Rift.

We’re updating our approach towards win trading and match fixing in Wild Rift, starting with new penalties and more frequent banwaves. As a quick refresher, we define win trading as any method where players manipulate the matchmaking queues to end up on opposite teams, in order to fix the results of the match (win or loss). Matchfixing is defined as any method where players intentionally and consistently behave in ways that cause their team to lose or forfeit.

Accounts with evidence of either win trading or matchfixing will be banned for 7 days as a warning, lose all current season rewards, and be reset to Iron IV. Repeat offenders and high severity offenders will continue to be permabanned.

We won’t give notice for future banwaves, but players should expect multiple banwaves per season.

Punishments are changing too: we’re adding a leaderboard ban that lasts the entire season for first time offenders. In addition, we’re removing players from champion leaderboards if they’re identified as wintraders. Our intention is that the wintrader or matchfixer will not show up on any leaderboards for the rest of the season, including champion and ranked leaderboards.

We know players occasionally have bad games, which is why we’re always working to minimize catching innocent players in banwaves. We are only targeting confirmed wintraders and high frequency matchfixers. If you’ve recently been camped in lane, had your jungle permanently invaded, your team refused to group — whatever the reason for your unlucky performance — don't worry, you’re safe!