Hextech Crafting is Coming to Wild Rift

In Patch 4.2 we’ll be bringing a new way for players to purchase content with the launch of Hextech Crafting!

Hi friends! Today we wanted to talk to you all about a new system that will be coming to Wild Rift in Patch 4.2, Hextech Crafting. Over the past year we’ve shared with you how we’ve been looking for new ways for you to earn and pay for content. We’ve had a lot of fun bringing you different events, but we also want to continue to explore some new ways for you to purchase content.

A few months ago we shared with you all that a new loot system was coming, but it would only be released in a few regions. Since the launch of loot we’ve made some adjustments and are now ready to bring Hextech Crafting to every server! Here’s everything you need to know before it rolls out on May 26.


Hextech Crafting is a permanent feature that will give collectors a new way to obtain unique skins, chromas for some of their favorite skins, and older skins that they might have missed at the first pass. This won’t replace any of the current ways you can purchase skins. The shop's not going anywhere. Rather, Hextech Crafting is a new system where iconic skins, mythical chromas, and some of League’s most exclusive skins could live.

So how do you get these exclusive skins? Chests and keys, of course! ...That’s obvious... right?

Keys cost 15 Wild Cores each and you’ll need 10 to open a chest, so one opening will cost you 150 Wild Cores. Once you have 10 keys, you can open a chest and receive two different loot items or currency. A skin/skin shard rewards and an Orange Gemstone reward.


One of the skin rewards that you can receive in Hextech Crafting are skin shards! They’re a new item that will offer you a different way to flesh out your collection! If you happen to receive a skin shard with your keys, it will go into your inventory, and—if it’s a skin that you want—you can use Silver Stardust to make it a permanent skin in your collection! However, if it’s a skin you aren’t crazy about, you can disenchant it and get some Silver Stardust back to use on something you may want later! Crafting a skin from skin shards is a great way to get your desired skin at a discount.

If there’s a skin shard you just can’t wait to acquire, no problem! You can use Orange Gemstones to rapidly make up the difference for any Silver Stardust you might be missing. For every 1 Orange Gemstone you’ll receive 10 Silver Stardust in return. You can do this exchange 200 times per month before you reach the monthly cap.


One of the currencies we’ve mentioned is Orange Gemstone, and it’s the rare currency you can get through loot that you’ll be able to use in the Orange Gemstone Shop!

The Orange Gemstone Shop is where all the exclusive skins, special accessories for said skins, and mythic chromas will be! We wanted the kick off for this shop to be special, so the first exclusive skin that will be featured in the Orange Gemstone Shop will be Iconic Garen! He’s an icon, he’s a legend, and he is getting his moment to shine with the launch of this new shop.


We’ll continuously be adding new skins, so there's always something new you can spend your Orange Gemstones on. Going forward, we’ll also make sure that we tell you at the start of a patch which skins will be added into the Orange Gemstone shop for that patch cycle so you know ahead of time if there's something you want to save your Orange Gemstones for.

To celebrate Iconic Garen and the launch of Hextech Crafting, there’ll be a 20% discount in the Orange Gemstone Shop for the first week. So you’ll be able to get Iconic Garen and any of the other items at a discounted Orange Gemstone price!


Within Hextech Crafting we're also adding a way for you to earn rewards just for using it, and every time you open a chest you’ll be making progress to earn rewards! Here are the milestones and the rewards that you will receive as you reach them:

# of Chests Opened


10 Hextech Keys


200 Silver Stardust


300 Silver Stardust


300 Silver Stardust


Epic Skin Shard Selection Chest


200 Silver Stardust


100 Silver Stardust


200 Silver Stardust


100 Silver Stardust


Epic Skin Shard Selection Chest II


We heard your feedback on Promotions that you wanted all the information as early as possible, so below are all the tables for loot pools, Silver Stardust Exchange, and the Orange Gemstone Shop. That way you know exactly what to expect when Hextech Crafting launches.

You’ll notice something new below, the Skin loot pool and Orange Gemstone loot pool percentages. These pools are split in two, because like we mentioned earlier, every time you open a chest you are guaranteed to receive something from the Skin loot pool and Orange Gemstone loot pool, every time you open a chest. Below we depict the chances to receive shards and skins, as well as information for Silver Stardust disenchanting and the Orange Gemstone Shop.

Overall Skin and Skin Shard Loot Pool Percentages

Drop Rate



Skin Shards


*Please find different drop rates for different skin/shards in the game

Orange Gemstone Pool Percentages:

Drop Rate

8 Orange Gemstone


12 Orange Gemstone


16 Orange Gemstone


20 Orange Gemstone


1000 Orange Gemstone


Silver Stardust Redemption Rates for Skin Shards:

Skin Shard
Amount of Silver Stardust needed to Forge Full Skin

Skin Shard


Epic Skin Shard


Legendary Skin Shard


Orange Gemstone Store

20% Off During the First Week
Orange Gemstone Price

Iconic Garen



Iconic Garen Skin Border



Iconic Garen Pose



Iconic Garen Premium Pose



Battle Academic Ezreal Mythic Chroma



Battle Academia Ezreal Mythic Chroma Skin Border



Battle Academia Ezreal Mythic Chroma Pose



Hextech Jarvan IV



Hextech Alistar



All right. We know that was a lot of information. And this system is introducing a lot of new changes. Our Player Support team will be ready to answer any questions you may have when this system goes live, and they will also have an article coming out that will cover all of this information. There will also be TL;DR of this system again in the upcoming Patch Notes where we’ll also provide a link to the Player Support article. And we’ll be sure to post on our channels when Hextech Crafting goes live so that you all know and are able to read up on it.


We have a lot more in store for Patch 4.2, and can’t wait for you to feel the chill when the patch drops. We’ll continue to provide you with updates on all the content that's coming over the next few days, but until then, we’ll see ya on the Rift!