Wild Rift Closed Beta Patch Notes

All the balance changes from the Regional Alpha, featuring nerfs to splitpushing champs and buffs to some mages.

As Wild Rift moves into its first Regional Closed Beta, here are all the changes we’ve made since the Regional Alpha back in June!


  • AD = Attack Damage
  • AS = Attack Speed
  • AP = Ability Power
  • CDR = Cooldown Reduction
  • HP = Hit Points
  • MR = Magic Resistance
  • MS = Movement Speed
  • TAD = Total Attack Damage (base + bonus)


We took a look at the current alpha roster and tuned up a bunch of champs across the board! Let us know what you think.

Alistar [Buff]

Alistar looked pretty weak in Alpha. We are giving the cow some major cooldown buffs so he can make more plays and have more impact in extended fights.

(1) Pulverize

  • Cooldown :: 16/16/16/16s >>> 15/13.5/12/10.5s

(2) Headbutt

  • Cooldown :: 13/13/13/13s >>> 13/12/11/10s

(3) Trample

  • Cooldown :: 11.5/11.5/11.5/11.5s >>> 11.5/11/10.5/10s
  • Damage :: 100/130/160/190 >>> 100/150/200/250
  • Empowered Attack Damage :: 40 + 15 per level >>> 40 + 20 per level

Annie [Buff]

As a general design philosophy for Wild Rift, we do not want to mana gate champions so hard. Annie feels like she’s one of the few champions that had big mana issues, so we’re reducing her costs.

(1) Disintegrate

  • AP Ratio :: Increased from 65% >>> 80%

(2) Incinerate

  • Mana :: 70/80/90/100 >>> 60/70/80/90

(3) Molten Shield

  • Mana :: 60/70/80/90 >>> 60/60/60/60

(Ult) Summon: Tibbers

  • Cooldown :: 80/75/70 >>> 80/70/60

Blitzcrank [Nerf]

We received a lot of feedback on Blitzcrank during Alpha, especially regarding his hook being very hard to dodge. His Rocket Grab should be a bit less punishing in lane now.

(1) Rocket Grab

  • Damage :: 80/150/220/290 >>> 80/140/200/260
  • Missile Speed :: 1600 >>> 1475

(2) Overdrive

  • MS Decay :: Decays more quickly and then stops decaying at 10% MS at 2 seconds remaining

(Ult) Static Field

  • Passive Damage :: 60/120/180 >>> 40/80/120

Fiora [Buff]

As a duelist, Fiora actually didn’t measure up to some of the other solo lane champions in Wild Rift, so we gave her a big boost to everything. En garde!

(P) Duelist’s Dance

  • Base Vital Healing :: 35hp +5 per level >>> 40hp +5 per level

(1) Lunge

  • Dash Range :: 350 >>> 400
  • Damage :: 70/85/100/115 >>> 85/95/105/115
  • Bonus AD Ratio :: 95/100/105/110% >>> 100/105/110/115%

(2) Riposte

  • Damage :: 90/140/190/240 >>> 120/170/220/270

(3) Bladework

  • AS Bonus :: 50/50/50/50% >>> 60/70/80/90%

(Ult) Grand Challenge

  • Cooldown :: 90/70/50 >>> 80/65/50

Garen [Buff]

Despite his massive suit of armor, Garen was pretty squishy. We’re boosting his defensive stats so he can do his thing without getting his health bar blown up so quickly.

Base Stats

  • Armor :: 40 >>> 45
  • Armor per Level :: 5.1 >>> 6.4
    • Level 15 Armor :: 112 >>> 135
  • MR per Level :: 1.6 >>> 2.6
    • Level 15 MR :: 61 >>> 75
  • HP per Level :: 125 >>> 135
    • Level 15 HP :: 2400 >>> 2540

(3) Judgement

  • Crit Damage :: 120/120/120/120% >>> 125/130/135/140%
  • Damage to Minions :: 100/100/100% >>> 60/80/100% at levels 1/5/9

Graves [Nerf]

It didn’t take much for jungle Graves to clear camps very quickly, and take no damage while he’s at it. We are tuning him down so he doesn’t always end up on top.

Base Stats

  • Level 1 AS :: 0.88 >>> 0.8
  • AS per Level :: 2.2% >>> 1.2%

(1) End of the Line

  • Cast AD Ratio :: 100% >>> 40%
  • Detonation AD Ratio :: 40% >>> 100%

Jax [Nerf]

Jax was overwhelmingly strong with way too much damage. We are nerfing him so that he’s still a powerhouse late game, but won’t be able to 1v9 every fight.

Base Stats

  • AD :: 64 >>> 58

(1) Leap Strike

  • Damage :: 75/130/185/240 >>> 55/110/165/220

(Ult) Grandmaster’s Might

  • Cooldown :: 55s >>> 60s
  • Passive On-hit Damage :: 100/160/220 >>> 100/140/180

Jhin [Buff]

Jhin’s ult felt less like a Curtain Call and more like an intermission. Hopefully, now it actually delivers on his dramatic long-range fantasy.

(Ult) Curtain Call

  • Damage Increase per 1% Missing HP :: 2.5% >>> 3%
  • Base Damage :: 50/120/200 >>> 50/125/200
  • Per Shot TAD
    • TAD Ratio :: 0.2 >>> 0.25
    • Max TAD Ratio :: 0.8 >>> 1.0

Malphite [Buff]

We’re gonna be real with y’all: AP Malphite is legit in Wild Rift. We gave his abilities some damage boosts so that if you catch an out-of-position squishy with your ult, they won’t know what hit’em.

(1) Seismic Shard

  • Cast Range :: 7 >>> 6.25
  • Damage :: 60/120/180/240 >>> 70/130/190/250
  • AP Ratio :: 0.4 >>> 0.5
  • Cooldown :: 10s >>> 8s

(2) Thunderclap

  • Bonus Armor :: 10/15/20/25% >>> 15/20/25/30%
  • First Attack Damage :: 15/35/55/75 >>> 30/50/70/90

(Ult) Unstoppable Force

  • Damage :: 180/270/360 >>> 200/300/400
  • AP Ratio :: 0.8 >>> 0.9

Miss Fortune [Nerf]

Miss Fortune was beating down lane opponents with her Double Up, so we’re making it less spammable and less punishing.

Base Stats

  • Mana Regen :: 18 >>> 12

(1) Double Up

  • Mana :: 40/45/50/55 >>> 50/55/60/65
  • Bounce Crit Damage :: 200% of total attack damage >>> 150% of total attack damage
    • 60/120/180/240 + 2.2 TAD >>> 45/90/135/180 + 1.65 TAD
    • Can still be enhanced by Infinity Edge to 180%.
  • Bounce Missile Speed :: 10 >>> 9.65

Nasus [Nerf]

On Wild Rift, Nasus was hitting his raid boss status a bit too early, so we are scaling back his Siphoning Strike stacks.

(1) Siphoning Strike

  • Base damage :: 30/60/90/120 >>> 25/50/75/100
  • Stacks per minion kill :: 5 >>> 4
  • Stacks per champion/monster/large minion kill :: 10 >>> 8

(Ult) Fury of the Sands

  • Cooldown :: 80/70/60s >>> 90/80/70s

Orianna [Buff]

As many players mentioned, Ori’s ult felt clunky. We’re making it a lot faster so your opponents can’t dodge it as easily.

(Ult) Command: Shockwave

  • Cast Time :: 0.75s >>> 0.5s

Shyvana [Nerf]

Shyvana has it all: chase potential, a lot of damage, and she’s a huge fire-breathing dragon. We nerfed her move speed boost bonus and scaled back some of her fiery fury.

(2) Burnout

  • Cooldown :: 12/12/12/12 >>> 15/14/13/12
  • MS Boost :: 35/40/45/50% >>> 30/35/40/45%

(3) Flame Breath

  • AP Ratio :: 0.5 >>> 0.4
  • Dragon Form AP Ratio :: 0.8 >>> 0.7

Yasuo [Buff]

We’re buffing Yasuo as he was too easy to bully in lane. He should be more durable now.

Base Stats

  • Armor :: 35 >>> 40
  • Health :: 610 >>> 650

Zed [Bugfix]

(Ult) Death Mark

  • Bugfix :: Now uses pre-mitigation damage dealt to calculate mark explosion damage as opposed to post mitigation damage.
  • TAD Ratio :: 125% >>> 100%

Ziggs [Buff]

As a champion with entirely skill shots, players weren’t rewarded enough for landing abilities. Time to take them to boom town.

Base Stats

  • MS :: 325 >>> 330

(2) Satchel Charge

  • AP Ratio :: 35% >>> 50%

(3) Hexplosive Minefield

  • Slow Strength :: 20/30/40/50 >>> 35/40/45/50
  • AP Ratio :: 30% >>> 35%
  • Magic Damage per Mine :: 40/95/140/185 >>> 50/105/160/215
    • 45 per Level >>> 55 per Level

(Ult) Mega Inferno Bomb

  • Cooldown :: 80/70/60 >>> 80/65/50


Many players noted that marksmen were dominating Wild Rift. We nerfed a lot of their core items so they don’t just take over every game.

Players also gave feedback that towers were too squishy, and we also saw that split pushers like Jax, Camille, and Nasus were taking towers within seconds, so we’re going hard on nerfing Sheen items. This change should give opposing teams enough time to react to side lane pushes.

Infinity Edge

  • AD :: 60 >>> 55

Phantom Dancer

  • Build :: Now builds out of Zeal + Cloak of Agility
  • Cost :: 3100 >>> 2600
  • Combine Cost :: 900 >>> 500
  • AS :: 45% >>> 35%


  • Now found in the Defensive portion of the store
  • Build :: Now builds out of Null-Magic Mantle
  • Cost :: 1300 >>> 1200
  • AS :: 20 >>> 15
  • MR :: 35 >>> 30

Maw of Malmortius

  • Cost :: 3300 >>> 3200

Sheen, Lich Bane, Iceborn Gauntlet, Trinity Force

  • These items now have a 50% damage reduction modifier when hitting towers

Runaan’s Hurricane

  • Extra bolts are treated as AoE damage and are have 66% lower vamp reduction


Warding Totem

  • Added a new brush aim assist mechanic that places wards when aimed within 100 units of a brush. This aim assist can be turned off in the settings menu

Summoner Spells


  • Cast Range :: 6 >>> 5
  • Tooth and Nail Damage Increase :: No longer applies to its own burn effect
  • Tooth and Nail Burn Damage :: 30 >>> 100 when upgrading to Chilling or Challenging Smite

Objectives and Turrets

Red Buff

  • Red Buff slow effectiveness on ranged units :: 50% >>> 33%

Baron Buff

  • Baron Buff now gives Armor and MR that scales with game time


  • First Turret HP :: 2500 >>> 3000
  • Second Turret HP :: 3000 >>> 3500
  • Armor/MR Bonus (First 3:00) :: 75 >>> 50

June 17 Hotfix

Before the Regional Alpha ended, we applied a small balance patch for a few champions and turrets to address some of the outliers. For visibility, here are those changes!

Ezreal [Buff]

Ezreal was underperforming because his “Blue Build” wasn’t giving him much damage, and he was getting outclassed by basic-attacking marksmen. We updated his recommended items and runes, and buffed (1) Mystic Shot, his main damage output ability.

(1) Mystic Shot

  • Base Damage :: 15/50/85/120 >>> 30/65/100/135
  • TAD Ratio :: 1.1 AD Ratio >>> 1.2 AD Ratio

Recommended items

  • Muramana / Trinity Force / Ionian Boots + Quicksilver Enchant / Blade of the Ruined King / Infinity Edge / Mortal Reminder

Recommended runes

  • Conqueror / Gathering Storm / Regeneration / Manaflow Band

Gragas [Buff]

Gragas was running out of mana pretty quickly, and his full ability combo felt a little on the weak side, so we buffed his mana regen, (1) Barrel Roll and (2) Drunken Rage to get him back in the happy hour spirit.

Base Stats

  • Mana Regen :: 12 >>> 15
  • Mana Regen per Level :: 0.7 >>> 0.9

(1) Explosive Cask

  • AP Ratio :: 0.7 >>> 0.8
  • Cooldown :: 11/10/9/8s >>> 9.5 / 8.5 / 7.5 / 6.5s

(2) Drunken Rage

  • AP Ratio :: 0.5 >>> 0.65

Jinx [Nerf]

Jinx was getting a little TOO excited, so we’re scaling back her attack speed per level.

Base Stats

  • AS per Level :: 0.022 >>> 0.007

(P) Get Excited

  • MS :: 180% >>> 150%

Master Yi [Nerf]

Yi truly mastered the power of Wuju and was an unstoppable tank-melting, split-pushing terror, so we took a chunk out of his attack damage per level, as well as the damage gained via (3) Wuju Style.

Base Stats

  • AD per Level :: 4.55 >>> 3.6

(3) Wuju Style

  • True Damage AD Ratio :: 0.35 >>> 0.25

Vayne [Nerf]

Vayne’s mobility and kiting, as well as her late-game damage, was making her scarier than intended. We still think Vayne’s identity as a late-game carry is important to her playstyle, but she should probably have to work harder to get there.

(2) Silver Bolts (active)

  • AS :: 45/60/75/90% >>> 40/45/50/55%

(Ult) Final Hour

  • CD :: 80/70/60s >>> 100/80/60s

Turrets [Buff]

We saw feedback around turrets feeling weak, so we increased turret stats when they’re backdoored, or taken in quick succession. So far, we’re pretty happy with Wild Rift’s average game length (around 17 mins); we’ll be watching these changes closely.

Backdoor Bonus

  • Tower Damage :: 10% >>> 20%
  • Tower Damage Reduction :: 66% >>> 75%

Domino Bonus (temporary damage reduction after previous tower destroyed)

  • Damage Reduction :: 35% >>> 50%